Chapter 15 The Labyrinth of Time

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The three struggled to compose themselves after the shockwave the eight limbed metal dragon hatchling gave them caused them to temporary lose their hearing. They managed to come to their senses after a small trembling snapped them out of it. It turned out that a group of dragons was Maliki and a few of his strongest fighters with him.

"When I heard a thunderous sound I was expecting that oversized metal dragon, but instead I just find the Immortal and his companion" Maliki said as he looked at the three.

"Tell me humans what are you doing fooling around instead of saving the world" Maliki mocked.

"We are not fooling around you oversized lizard" Angel insulted.

"Watch it human you are speaking to the emperor" one of Maliki fighter shouted in anger.

"It is fine I will let that one go since he is going to save the world" Maliki said.

"Now if you would excuse me we have to go to the next temple" Angel said as he walked away with Alice and Scar.

"On the contrary I believe we can help each other out" Maliki said with a grin.

"I have no desire to make deals with you" Angel said as he continued to walk away.

"Serenity told me about the humans that managed to free our food supply and I just so happened to notice your human car being trashed while flying around" Maliki said with a big grin.

"What are you getting at" Angel said as he listened.

"I am saying I could give you a lift to the next temple" Maliki said.

"What is in it for you" Angel said as he turned around.

"I know it is you that Defiance is after you and all I have to do is wait around you, and she will come to you" Maliki said.

"Really how do we know that you won't try to attack the knight's castle" Alice jumped in.

"I will deal with our food when the world isn't about to break apart on us" Maliki said.

"Right now this little deal is the best deal instead of walking to the next temple" Maliki said.

Angel thought about it for a moment pondering all the outcomes that could happen.

"Fine then I will take your deal for now anyways" Angel said.

Maliki smiled and laid on his stomach and lowered his wing so Angel, Alice, and Scar could walk on. The three did so as they climbed on Maliki's back. After they did so Maliki stood up and took to the air with the three on his back. His fighters flew behind him as they followed Maliki. They whispered among themselves about their annoyance to help what they considered food. Angel could still hear what they were saying, but paid no mind as Alice pointed the way to the next temple.

Eventually they reached a fortress which was under attack, but everything was frozen. As they landed in the fortress they notice that a bunch of humanoid animals were battling humans, but were frozen in a stasis. It was like they were frozen in time as they looked around.

"Alright it seems to be that the temple of time is here" Angel said as he jumped off Maliki's back with Alice and Scar.

"Come Alice lets go" Angel said as they got ready to venture further into the fortress.

Maliki grinned then yelled to his followers "go on guard Defiance is bound to show up".

Maliki's followers then began to settle down as they stood watch for Defiance. Angel and Alice walked deeper into the fortress as Alice held Scar close to her. They looked around as everything and everyone was frozen in time. From the clashes of swords to fatal blows all were frozen in place. The two wanted to talk, but the frozen battle kept them from talking. Alice took to the time to see how well she is doing with Angel. She noticed that Angel's dark aura was dwindling, and that she could actually see what clothing he wore before his corruption.

Apparently he wore a jean jacket that was too big on him along with a pair of jeans that had holes in them. Alice smiled knowing that Angel was almost human again, and all she had to do was give one good push. Unfortunately she did not know what. Eventually they got to a broken vault as they entered it. Once they entered they encounter what appears to be a gigantic labyrinth with bridges and stairs going everywhere. What stood out was that there was almost a mountain of treasure everywhere. Gold, silver, jewels were literal floating in mid-air because of the fact they were frozen in time.

"This is going to take a while" Angel said with a sign.

"Well let's get started" Alice said as she ran ahead.

"Hey don't go too far you will get lost" Angel said as he followed.

The two walked through the labyrinth as they tried to find the throne of time. Hour after hour of endless walking got them lost and tired. They then went to take a break. As they took a break something caught their attention as something burst from the roof and landed in the maze. They were about to run over to the spot where that something was, but then Maliki burst through the maze wall. Angel quickly grabbed Alice and hid behind a wall as dust and smoke went everywhere.

Maliki tried to compose himself as he said "how are you so powerful".

"Even Serenity isn't strong enough to take out an entire battalion of my best males" Maliki said as he coughed blood.

"Do not compare me to that traitor I am a true metal dragon" a voice said.

Then Defiance walked through the smoke as she pined Maliki to the wall with her paw. "I am a pu-"Defiance was about to say before a familiar sent hit her nose.

She took a big whiff of the scent and smiled.

She then grinned baring her equaly large teeth as she said "well then it seems the Immortal is here".

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