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Peter squirmed uncomfortably in his seat. He hated sitting in the office. Waiting for Principal Morita was overwhelming. The receptionist ignored him and he fidgeted with his hands. It wasn't the first time he's had to wait in the office, but it always made him nervous.

Not that he didn't deserve to be there. It had been his fault. He had been distracted and set off an explosion in class. What really bothered him was why he got distracted.

Over the past couple months, Peter had grown accustomed to MJ hanging around with Ned and him. She sat with them at lunch, they pigged out at movie nights, and last weekend she creamed them at laser tag.  She even allowed him to call her MJ, which was a step up. She still called them losers, but now she used it more endearingly.

So MJ was his friend now. Which meant, even though she never told them anything, they knew more about her. Ned knew to get her green tea when he goes on Starbucks runs. Peter knew she hated ketchup and guys wearing flip flops. He also knew that , even though MJ had friends, she was still a lone wolf.

So imagine his surprise when he walked into chemistry class to see Abe sitting next to Michelle. They were performing an experiment and it was mandatory to have partners. Abe's partner Cindy was out sick, so MJ had the misfortune of having to have  a partner. She looked uninterested and bored.

"Hope she doesn't kill him," Ned had joked. Peter chuckled. MJ was not exactly the easiest person to work with.

Halfway through pouring chemicals in beakers he hears a foreign sound. Michelle laughing. Peter turned to look over his shoulder and saw the weirdest thing he had ever seen. Abe was poking Michelle and making jokes. Michelle had a smile on her face and every once in a while let out a chuckle. Peter turned back to his assignment.

"Dude, you okay?" Ned whispered. "You look constipated."

"I'm fine."

"Then what's with the face?"

"Since when is Michelle friends with Abe?"

Ned looked over his shoulder to see what Peter had seen. Michelle had a small smirk on her face and under his dark complexion, Abe's cheeks were slightly flushed. Ned furrowed his brows.


"Right? It's freaky?"

"Maybe we're in the twilight zone?"

"Ned, I'm pretty sure that's not true."

"Then what's your explanation?"

Peter thought about it for a moment. Ned took his silence for an answer.

"Exactly!" Ned said, triumphantly. "You can't prove we're not in an alternate universe."

"You can't prove we are."

"Yes I can. Exhibit A : MJ actually talking and being nice to someone," Ned said matter of factly. 

"Hey , Penis!" Flash smirked as he walked up beside their table, water bottle in hand. "Why'd you pee on yourself?"


"Oops." Before Peter could ask what he meant, Flash poured his water bottle on the crotch of his pants.

Peter jumped up and immediately took off his sweater, dabbing at his pants. Mr Harrington didn't even look up from his computer.

Peter swore under his breath."Now can you say we're in an alternate universe?"

"It still stands,"  Ned said. "Who's to say Flash isn't a dick in all universes?"

"Fair enough."

The rest of the period went without incident. Well almost.

Peter was carefully measuring out chemicals for their experiment. Michelle and Abe were whispering behind him. Peter tried not to eavesdrop, but super human hearing made that hard. He was so focused on their conversation, he didn't hear when Ned yelled out to him.


Peter jolted up, accidentally dumping his whole beaker into the solution. There was a sizzle as the chemicals began reacting.

"It's gonna blow!" Flash yelled out, hiding under his table. The other students followed suit as Mr. Harrington made a mad dash to grab the beaker and put it in the sink. But he wasn't fast enough and the explosion went off. Right in his face. 

The whole class slowly got up from their hiding places and stood in shock as the Mr. Harrington turned around slowly. His face was covered in pink goop and he silently pointed at peter and the door the door. Peter grabbed his stuff and began walking to the principal's office.

He waited what felt like forever before the receptionist told him he could enter. There sat Principal Morita and Mr. Harrington, both upset. Mr Harrington looked annoyed, or he would've if he still had his eyebrows. Peter winced at the though of the unfortunate janitor that would find them.

After the meetiing he found an anxious ned waiting for him.  "so what's the verdict."

"Two weeks detention and i have to clean up the mess by myself."

"You didn't get suspended?" MJ asked, walking up to them. "Is Morita going soft?"

"No, I just told them I didn't do it on purpose."

MJ rolled her eyes. "Yeah. accidents happen. in your case they blow up right in your face. Acadec is cancelled till further notice. See you losers tomorrow."

"Was it really an accident?" ned inquired.


"Were you distracted or something?"


"By what?"

Peter's eyes quickly darted to  MJ's retreating figure. Ned's confusion dissipated into smugness.


"Well I should go home now," Peter said, walking away. "May is expecting me."

Ned rolled his eyes and yelled after him. "I know what you're doing! It won't work. This conversation isn't over!"

"I think it is!"

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