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( Your Everyday Business Man )

Italic: Amanda

Bold: Charles

Buisness call

"Hello this is Charles speaking. How can I help you?"

"Hey, Charles!"

"Amanda, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me on my work phone?"

"Well the kids want to talk, and you never answered your actual phone. Not my fault!"

"Oh, so it's my fault! Where is Grace?"

"I'm right here!!"

"And Daisy? Are you there?"

"Daddy your so mean! I called you and you didn't answer!"

"I'm sorry. But you my daddy is busy."

"Oh yeah, what are you doing?"

"Doing paperwork in my office?"

"Your lying! Mommy, he's lying again!"

"Grace, don't yell."

"Sorry, mommy!"

"Why don't you hand it to your mommy?"

"Okay...mommy daddy needs to talk to you."

"Daisy, why don't you go do your homework? Thank you."

"What's for dinner?"

"Are you asking me what's for dinner? It's not even
lunch yet."

"Just tell me."

"I was thinking we should go out. The girls want to go to the restaurant, I'm not sure."

"Oh, I see...how about after that?"

"I mean the kids have to go to sleep because of school tomorrow."

"After that?"

"I need to go to sleep because I have to wake them up early and go grocery shopping."

"Really? What if we changed the schedule after the kids fall asleep?"

"You must have work to do, I'll end the call. Just come home early since the kids are going to be with the grandparents at 5."

- hang up -

"She calls me and hangs up on me. She tells me I should answer her call and then says I must be busy. What up with her?"

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