18. Heartless Candace is Heartless

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Chapter 18 : Heartless Candace is heartless.

I've been crying my eyes out each night this week. But after 8 days of endless tears, I finally thought it was time to stop. I've been sulking and pitying myself every since Brooke's back.

But now, I'm pretty much determined to show Colton it's not bugging the hell out of me. I was right. You know about Brooke knowing I'm affected and she did things way unnecessary to show that they're both together.

Like this one time when I just got back on a Friday night from jogging around, she practically mauled Colton who was sitting on the couch flipping through channels. I mean what the heck? Does she need to do that? No.

And it's like she lives here now. She's in our house 24/7. It's either she's on the couch exploring Colton's mouth with her tongue or she's up in Colton's room. Only God knows what they're doing.

But I'm hoping that Colton's just not that guy. It's a big thing to be proved that he could actually single-handedly play games at me and break my heart aimlessly but doing things that are way inappropriate is a real big shock to me. So I keep convincing myself they're just studying or whatever.

As I open the front door, the house was dimmed. It was past 6 and no one's around. I heard a clank in the kitchen so I headed there first, thinking it was Milo making cookies that I absolutely adore.

But it wasn't.

It's Colton.

"Wow. It's you." I said incredulously.

"Surprised?" Colton mumbled. And I noticed how he was shifting nervously while he wash the dishes, his back on me.

"Sorry. I'm not really used to seeing you without Brooke's tongue on your mouth." I sneered sarcastically and shocked myself. Did I seriously just say that out loud? It was meant for my mind only not for Colton to hear.

From looking down on the plates on the sink, He looked up but still didn't bother to turn towards me. He shook his head and carried on to do his work. I was really getting mad at him. 

"Colton. Be a man and talk to me." I glared on his slumped back.

"What's there to talk about?" He mumbled, still not looking at me.

"How you're such a coward...and a jerk...and a liar." I added angrily as I walked towards him. I turned him around and looked up at him. I don't know where all this courage is coming from.

"What do you want me to say, Candace?" He looked at me for the first time for weeks. And it was enough for me to be weak and not get angry that much.

"Anything." I whispered, feeling the pain all over again.

"I don't have time for this." Colton just shook his head and then I snapped. Like a twig that was stepped on by an overweight kid. 

"Yeah. But you have time to go and suck Brooke's mouth." I exclaimed.

"What is it with the Brooke jokes?" Colton turned around and yelled, hovering at my petite figure.

"Because I'm not believing anything she says until you say it yourself!" 

"FINE! Brooke and I are back together!" Colton stepped closer and I tried pushing his chest away with one hand but I failed. "Are you happy?"

"No." I whispered, looking down. "But you don't care if I'm happy or not right, Colton?"

I gave him one last push and he stepped back. He was looking on the floor with an unreadable expression. I shook my head and walked away only to be stopped. Colton grabbed my elbow and pulled me into him. 

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