The daughter of Cana Alberona. Madilyn had never met her father.
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Name •Madilyn Alberona
Parent(s) •Cana Alberona
Sibling(s) •Gillian •Mason
Magic •"Insomnia"
Sexuality •Pansexual
Guild •Fairy Tail
Height •5'3 //smol bean//
Hair •Black
Eyes •Pale blue
Habits •Getting jealous over petty things •Overthinking •Messing around with her hair •Overworking •Constantly thinking she needs to get better
Personality • Madilyn seems very positive but simple things easily make her crack seeing as she tends to overthink a lot. Madilyn occasionally tends to seem a bit dull or sad like she was as a child.
Phobia(s) •Monophobia (being alone) •Athazagoraphobia (being forgotten, ignored, and forgetting)
Likes •Galaxies •Making her friends happy •coughAkatsukicough
Dislikes •Being made fun of for talking to herself •Friends being hurt in some way •Too much quietness