Chapter XXIX

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"Kiss her cheek!" Lauren tells Marcus, holding the phone to take more pictures.

He turns his head to look at me, silently asking for permission.

I give a small nod and he pulls me close to his side and plants a soft kiss to my cheek. I blush as some of the girls 'aww" at us, and I'm grateful when Marcus goes over to take pictures of Aaron and Hannah.

"You should definitely post that one," Sofia bombards me as soon as Marcus walks away.

"I don't think so," I tell her and the pout on her face returns.

"Why not? It's so cute! And it's the first picture that shows he's your boyfriend," she explains like it's a science.

I shake my head at her, "It's cheesy, plus I don't really like people seeing that kind of stuff," I say and she sticks her tongue out at me.

"Well at least one of the pictures has to be of you and him," she demands.

I was about to respond when Marcus comes up beside me and puts his arm around me and pulls me to where our shoulders are up against each other. He's ususally a few inches taller than me, but since I have heels on I am nearly eye level with him.

"Wanna go in?" he asks, gesturing to the gym.

"Sure," he takes his arm off of me and instead takes my hand in his to keep me next to him.

"You gonna dance with me?" whispers in my ear, the warmth of his breath prominent on my skin. I only mildly hate myself for being so weak for him.

"I don't know," I tease. I look around and quickly kiss his cheek. His face lights up with a light pink blush and I've never felt more powerful.

"You going to leave me alone?" he queries, tugging me into the dark, loud gym.

I pat his chest and smile, "Course not," I coo.

I change the subject and ask, "Are you ready for the game tomorrow?" The annual Friday night homecoming game is always exciting to watch, even the years I didn't have anyone specific to cheer for.

"As ready as I can be. I just hate how they have the dance before the game. Can't have as much fun tonight as I would want," he winks and I giggle.

We move our way through the crowd to the front where everyone else was. Up against the DJ is just as loud as I remember from other years, and the energy is just as intoxicating as the volume is ear-splitting.

"Amanda!" Peyton yells over the music.

"Hi, you look great!" I say with a smile. I may not like the girl, but it's not like I want her to know that.

"You too!" she squeals.

The beat gets faster and Mindy pulls my hands and waves them around in the air with hers to the rhythm.

I see CJ behind Mindy, watching her with a smile, and it makes me smile. I spin Mindy to face him and he takes her hands in his, leading her towards the center of the floor. She looks back at me with the biggest smile and follows.

"They're so flipping cute!" Sofia squeals beside me looking after them.

A slow song starts up and Sofia runs away, most likely looking to drag Jon onto the dance floor with her.

I feel hands wrap around my waist and turn my body around. I'm face to face with Marcus, his ice blue eyes focused on me.

"Dance with me," he says, bringing me into his arms and swaying us to the music. I rest in his embrace, reveling in his warm hug. I love it so much I hug him closer and rest my head in his shoulder.

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