Part 13

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The next morning I woke up without Zion. I was sad not to be wrapped up in his arms but I knew if my parents found us he would be on the top of their shit list. I got up without bothering to get changed out of my athletic shorts and Z's Wildin' Out sweatshirt. When I got downstairs I saw my entire family around the breakfast table eating eggs and bacon. "I want food too!" I complained. I was shocked no one even thought to wake me, usually someone would have.

"Oh sorry sunshine! I got so distracted talking to Zion I forgot!" My mom smiled apologetically.

I sighed and nodded my head, "it's fine, I probably shouldn't have gotten up at ten anyway."

My step-dad laughed, "damn right." I rolled my eyes and walked to grab myself a plate of food.

"It's not my fault, y'all know I never sleep!" I complained thinking back to last night. It was either I would have a nightmare or I just couldn't fall asleep in the first place. I always wanted to see if I could get sleeping pills or something but everyone always told me it was because I was on my phone, even my therapist! I grabbed my food and pulled up a chair between Zion and Colby (my brother if you forgot cuz I did 😅). Zion smiled at me and Colby just continued to stuff his face. I smacked his arm, "you're such a pig!"

He looked at me shocked at my words, "oh really! Remember when we were little and your food would always be all over your face!"

I blushed knowing he was right, "yeah yeah I'm aware that I'm extremely uncoordinated and I couldn't find my mouth!" My mom and Z were dying laughing next to us and I just dropped the subject. Food was way more important than that 'argument.' I bit into a piece of bacon and looked to my step-dad. "Omg I haven't have your food in so long!" I said taking another bite.

He smiled at me, "nothing in Boston beats this!" I laughed and smiled. We had always had a connection ever scince I was little. He was always able to understand me and why I was they way I was. My childhood wasn't perfect but thanks to him it wasn't as horrible as it could've been. Ever scince I was little it was a fact that I was his favorite. Everyone ate their breakfast and chatted, Zion seemed to get along with my family and I could definitely see the begging of a friendship between him and Colby. Everything seemed to be going well except for my step-dad. He was usually very talkative but today he didn't seem to be. He just ate his food and minded his own business, Zion had tried to talk with him but the conversation was quickly shut down. I could tell He didn't love Z yet. I wasn't too worried though, he would see how amazing Z was soon enough. I finished my meal and as if on cue my phone started to ring and I looked to see Sam on the caller ID. I pulled away from the table and answered the call.

"Hey what's up?" I asked.

I heard shuffling on the other end of the phone, "hey girl! I was wondering scince Zion's in town if you wanted to have a double date?"

I loved the idea but I didn't understand something, "how did you know Zion was in town?" I had never told her so I couldn't imagine how she found out.

"Eh, a little birdie told me," she replied.

I scoffed, "which one of your pet chickens is spying on me?" Ever scince her junior year Sam had owned over 30 chickens. She essentially had a mini farm in her backyard but that's irrelevant.

She laughed, "all of them, duh! But are you in?"

"Well let's see... Spend a night with two of my favorite people and Spencer?" I joked. Spencer and I had a running joke of 'hating' each other and I could never let him know that I even remotely thought he was a decent person. We both joked and eventually got the time and date settled. It would be tonight around seven and I was already way too excited. It wouldn't be me and Zion's first date, we had a really amazing one for my birthday, but it was still gonna be fun. I sat back down at the table, Colby and my step-dad had already left to do their own things.

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