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"i will fight you, because in
the news there's only truth and god
is gonna smite you, besides that, i
don't like you"

sadie, sophia, ayla, y/n, and noah were all gathered in y/n's bedroom. each trying to find a way to get revenge on finn.

"wait why am i here again?" noah asked.

"uh, i don't know, you seem like the type of guy to be here." ayla answered.

"okay i think, we should all sneak into his house and tell him how much of disappointment he is and then kick the living shit out of him." sadie smiled.

"i'm in." sophia nodded.

"me too." ayla and noah both agreed.

"i don't know, i'm not going, he's going to think that i'm a big old pussy. i think i'll just stay here." y/n said, sitting down on her bed.

"what? why would he think that?" sadie asked.

"beacause he'll think that i can't keep shit to myself and that i need my friends to defend me. i don't know, i feel wrong about this all. it doesn't feel right."

"he fucking picked a fight and now he's gonna have to get his ass beat." ayla responded.

"can't we just fucking cry all day? you know watch sad ass movies and eat ice cream all day? have a good ass sleepover and talk about dicks and shit? why do we have to beat his ass? you know i still love him, he's still my boyfriend."

"wait why the hell am i here?" noah questioned again.

"shut the hell up." sophia slapped him.

"and what? leave him off that easily? bitch hurt you, that's wrong. we can't just let him think that you're a pussy, and that it didn't hurt you. he needs to learn a damn lesson." ayla snapped.

"fine. do whatever you wanna do but i'm not going. i don't think it's right, i still love him. maybe it just slipped out of his mouth, maybe he didn't mean it."

"ugh! fuck, y/n! hop the fuck off his dick!" sadie yelled.

y/n groaned, she was irritated. sure, finn fucking wolfhard hurt her, but that didn't change how she felt about him, and nothing could change it. sure she felt extremely miserable after what he said to her but she didn't want to hurt him, she didn't want her friends to hurt him, because after all he was still the love of her life. the light of her life.

she got up and walked away from them, she went into her mothers office and grabbed a bottle of vodka. she went underneath her mothers desk and sat down, popping off the bottles cap and drinking from it. at first she hated the taste of it and how it burned her throat, but after a bit of drinks, she got used to the flavor.

as she drank from it, she began to cry, and those cries became sobs. memories of her being happy with finn, flashed through her mind. oh how much did she miss him, she missed those days in which they would not fight over the dumbest things, she missed him to pieces.

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