Saturday Night Live with DJ Matoom

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Year 2024.

It's been seven years since 2moons the Series. GodtBas, KimCop and TaeTee are dating openly now. They came out after 2moons and are now known in Thailand as real couples. DJ Matoom invited Bas, Copter and Tee to his late night show for a special Valentines episode. Innuendos ensues.

"It's going to be so much fun," Tee wriggled on the stool while Tong did his hair

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"It's going to be so much fun," Tee wriggled on the stool while Tong did his hair. "Saturday Night Live with DJ Matoom is a super hit program." Bas nodded in agreement.

"I'm a bit apprehensive about fast talk segment though." Copter peered at the mirror.

"There's nothing to hide P, all six of us are out and proud." Bas pouted his lips and touched his cheeks with the make up brush. He had learned to do his own make since early days of his career.

"Don't worry Copter, love," Tong turned Tee's face towards him to apply eyes shadows. "It's just for fun. DJ Matoom won't pry into your personal lives. Not much at least."

Before anyone else voice their opinion, DJ Matoom himself peered his head inside the make up room.

"Everyone ready?" He asked.

"Almost." Tong did final touches to Tee's face.

"Alright," DJ Matoom deposited on a chair shuffling few papers. "First round, I will introduce the show as usual." He looked at the three pretty boys. "The highlight of the show is, of course, my fast talk segment but that'll come at the latter half of the program. First half, I will introduce the three of you, not that you need any introduction but, yeah. Then opening performance of the three of you. After that, we will move to the couch where we will have a casual conversation like friends in a cafe talking about their boyfriends." He grinned.

"Are you going to use the same questions you asked other celebrities, P?" Bas asked, carefully running the eyeliner over his lids.

"There will be old questions, but we came up new questions just for you three!" DJ Matoom said, excitement lacing his voice. "But I won't tell you about them now." He grinned with an evil glint. "I want to capture the real reactions from you. It's too good to miss something like that." He wriggled his eyebrows.

"Why not, P?" Copter whined cutely. "If we knew then we can get prepared na." Tee and Bas laughed loudly at Copter's expression, but they understand Copter's dilemma. Fast talk segment is known to tackle rather intimate stuff about the interviewee and Copter is still shy to talk about these things.

"Nope," DJ Matoom stood up grinning. "I want everyone to see your true reactions." He twirled on the spot. "I love spontaneity. That's why my show is a super hit." He walked briskly out of the makeup room. "Now hurry up, it's almost time." He disappeared.

Saturday Night Live with DJ Matoom Session 1

DJ Matoom: Good evening, everyone! Welcome to Saturday Night Live with DJ Matoom. Today we have three special guests for our Valentine's day special and I know you already have a hunch of who they are.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2019 ⏰

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