The Ocean [Armizuki short]

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The walls had been knocked down. Armin had finally made it to the ocean, and was overjoyed. He walked along the shore looking out at the water and beach that was there. He saw something on the ground and walked over to it, curious of what the object was. It was a conch shell that had washed up on the beach earlier that day. It glimmered in the sunlight as Armin moved it around, inspecting it. He smiled and looked out at the water once more and walked back to land. He mounted his horse making sure the shell was safe in the small bag he had.

About an hour later he made it back home. He stopped his horse at the stables and dismounted, grabbing the small bag. He walked over to a small hill, and trudged up it. He stopped at a small oak tree at the top and knelt down by a small wooden cross, showing it was a grave. Armin opened his bag and took out the shell, placing at the bottom of the cross.

"I got to the ocean today." He said to the cross, as if he was talking to someone. Tears formed at his eyes and slipped down his cheeks as he stared at the grave. "It's large, and covered in saltwater. The beach on it was nice, and I found this shell for you." He said dropping his head and looking at the ground. He stared up at the grave. The wooden cross read "Mizuki" with flowers secured to a part of it. "It was beautiful." Armin muttered.

"Just like you."

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