Old 'Friend'

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Here's Jayden! Isn't he cute and handsome at the same time!!!

"Thank you for today and for the ice cream," Jayden mumbled as they walked out of the ice cream parlor. Asher chuckled at Jayden's words but nodded anyway.

"No worries; anyway, I've been thinking." Asher speaks up and looks closely at Jayden. Jayden froze. He quickly backed up a few steps away from Asher, making the said teen look confused at his reaction, and took a step towards Jayden.

"What's wrong?" He asks when they are standing face-to-face. Jayden's face flushed when Asher's own face was close to his. He backed up again but stopped when his back touched the wall. Now he is trapped, his face as red as it is when Asher's nose is a few inches away from his own. Jayden held his breath when Asher tilted his head. What he didn't expect was for Asher to pull away. Something in him felt disappointed when Asher did that.

"You're cute," Asher said after he backed away from the blushing teen. Asher chuckled for who knows how many times today and brushed his hand over Jayden's blonde locks.

"I'll take you home, okay? It's almost 6," Asher said. He quickly grabbed Jayden's wrist before the teen could even reply, leading him to the parlor's parking lot, where he left his motorcycle, his black beauty. Giving Jayden his helmet and then using his tendril as a helmet, Asher climbed up to his black beauty, turned on the engine, and waited for Jayden to get up. Jayden hesitated before climbing up, but after Asher pulled his hand, he sighed, put on the helmet, and climbed on the back of the motorcycle. After Jayden climbed up, Asher smiled and looked around for a few seconds before speeding out of the parlor.

"Took a left, then went straight for 200 meters," Jayden said. Asher nodded and followed Jayden's directions.

"Then what?" Ash asks.

"Took a right; my house is near the park," Jayden said again. Asher nodded again as he saw a park close a few blocks from where they were.

"That park?" Asher asks. He could feel Jayden nod, and then he parked his motorcycle in front of a big white house. Asher let out a low wistle, looking at how big the house was. It's a fucking mansion, not a house. Asher turned off his motorcycle and waited for Jayden to climb down.

"Nice house," Asher said, and he grabbed his helmet from Jayden. Smiling at the blonde when he sees a blush on the teen's cheek.

"Thanks, it's a lot better than last time," Jayden said, but he mumbled his last sentence, which was useless for Asher not to hear.

"I've been thinking, What happens to your mom?" Ash asks again.

"She died of a heart attack a few weeks after we met. I went up to the orphanage the next day, and a couple of months later I was adopted." Jayden explained in a low voice.

"He seems not to care about his mother's death," Asher thought as he nodded at Jayden's explanation.

"Oh, I'm sorry for what happened," Ash said with a sad tone. Jayden realized the sudden change and shook his head.

"It's not your fault! It's fate, and nobody can change it; besides, I'm fine now." Jayden said, holding up Asher's right hand. Surprising the dark-haired teen. Their silence was over when Asher heard a creak on the door, and out came a woman in her mid-fifties with black silky hair that had a couple of white strands and two pairs of sharp green eyes.

"Jayden! You're back." She says this as she hurriedly opens the door. Asher watched as the woman stepped out of the house and literally ran towards Jayden. The woman quickly hugged the teen—a very bone-crushing hug.

"I'm back, mom." Jayden struggled to utter those words as the woman had not let go of the hug.

"Ugh. I missed you, baby. Where have you been? I almost told your brother to come pick you up at school!" She yelled and checked up on Jayden all over his body.

"Mom, I'm fine. Asher's the one who takes me home." Jayden said to the women, she stopped looking around at Jayden then focusing her look at Ash.

"Well aren't you a fine young man? How old are you boy and what's your name?" She asks, Ash chuckled before going down his motorcycle and form a gentle smile on his face.

"My name is Asher Brock Ma'am, and I'm eighteen now." Answer Ash trying to make a warm smile on his face, Ash heard a chuckled and saw Jayden was holding his laughter.

"Well my name is Claire, nice to meet you, Asher," Claire said with a beautiful smile carved on her face.

"How about we get in and had dinner, I made plenty today for some reason," Claire said and grabbed both Jayden and Ash's arm and went into the big house.

"Honey!! Jay brings a friend!!" Claire yelled, there was a loud bang on the second floor and followed by a loud foot thumping, like people there are having a marathon.

"WHAT!!!! WHO!!!" Yelled a man on his early fifty, He ran down the stairs followed by a younger man which Ash think was Jayden's brother, and then a women followed him, looking just like the young man.

"Calm down honey, It's not one of those jerks he brings, It's different." Claire smiled and pulled Ash closer to her. Wrapping her arms around Ash's bicep.

"This is Asher honey, Asher Brock," Claire said, The young women gasp and then yelled.

~Asher POV~

"OH MY GOD! You mean the Asher Brock Jay jay told us?!" She said and walked close to me, I almost laugh at the nickname she said to Jayden while Jayden just blushed.

"It's nice to finally meet the one person Jay jay use to see." She said and shake my hand.

"It's nice to know you too... um...?" I ask, I actually don't know their name except for Jayden here.

"Oh! It's Rolan, and that's my twin brother Rowind, and of course, our Dad, Gregory." Rolan said and I smiled.

"Let's get to dinner shall we," Claire said and push us all to the dining room.

"Wow Mom, you make a lot of food," Rolan said and sat across my seat. Claire just smiles before letting us grabbed the foods.

I'm going to say that this food is the best, sorry Dad but still loves your cooking but truly this is fucking good.

"I see you like my mom's cooking," Jayden said after dinner, I actually have to leave cause Dad called me to pick up Agony from her friend's house.

"Sure do, tell her that," I said before I could even speak. My phone buzzed and forcing me to answer it.

"Yes Aggie, I'm on my way, and don't eat any dogs!!!" I yelled the last part since remembering the last time she waits for me and had to eat a dog because she's hungry. I heard Jayden chuckled beside me hearing the last part I said about eating a dog.

"You better picked her up," Jayden said and covers his mouth to hold out a chuckled. I only stare at him before smiling.

"Yeah, see ya other time then," I said, with an act of big courage I kissed his cheek before running off to my cycle and drove out.

Time skip

I've picked Aggie from her friend's house and no she didn't eat a dog while she waits. I open the front door with my keys and Aggie quickly run inside, tossing her shoes to my face by accidents.

"What took you soo long Asher? Isn't your base is close to Agony's friend house?" Dad asks when I enter the house, he was still making dinner since I think he just got back from work and Father is away for a few days with Uncle AV.

"I was visiting a friends house Dad, by the way, I just got dinner backed there so I'll skip for today," I said and my sibling literally yelled who got to get my portion for dinner. I laugh at them and went to my room, turning on the lights and put down my bag I sit on my armchair and turn on the T.V.

"Asher! go take a shower, will you!! you smell like sweat since got inside the house!!" Dad yelled from downstairs. Oh yeah forgot 'bout that. I put the remote back after turning off the T.V, grabbing a clean towel and a clean sweat pant I quickly run towards the bathroom.


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