Chapter Three

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As I waited for my roomies to show up, I decided to choose the best bed and the best closet, and then I started to unpacked, I did my bed. I laid out all my pillows on my bed, placed a photo frame of me and my family and a another one with my friends. Then suddenly the dorm room door opened and there was just standing this beautiful tan girl. He long brown hair and her dark hazel brown eyes. Wow she so beautiful. She came in and introduced her self.

Kenzie: Hey, I'm Kenzie
Annie: Wow, you're so gorgeous Kenzie. I'm Annie by the way. It's nice to meet you.
Kenzie: You too, do you know which beds ain't taken?
Annie: Theses two.

I pointed to the one near the door and the other one that is just opposite of mine. I obviously took the one nearest to the window.

Annie: Do you know who is our roommate?
Kenzie: No, I haven't met her yet.
Annie: That's alright. We both met her together. Anyways, do you want anything from Starbucks?
Kenzie: No, thank you. Maybe next time.
Annie: Okay, I'll see you soon. Bye.
Kenzie: Bye.

I went to Starbucks and ordered my self a pink drink. It so good. After, few minutes of scrolling through my Instagram while waiting for my drink. I headed out with my drink and walked around the campus for a little while. I saw Johnny and said Hi to him and also I've met this roommates. They seem nice. After a little chitchat I've headed back to my dorm.

Kenzie: Oh, you back? I thought you got lost or something?
Annie: Haha... no I just met up with my friend and he introduced me to his roommates. I've must have lost track of time. I'm all good.
Kenzie: Good! You gave me a heart attack.
Annie: Haha. Is the new roomie here?
Kenzie: No, but I think she should be here soon.
Annie: Probably.

Me and Kenz waited for our roommate to show up, so, to kill some time we decided to play uno and then the door opens. Wow! She's so stunning and dose ocean blue eyes. Never seen anything like that before.

Kenzie: Oh, Hi, you must be our roomie?
Mads: Hey, I'm Maddison but you guys can call me Mads.
Annie: I like you name. I'm Annie by the way.
Mads: Sorry, guys that it took time.
Kenzie: Don't worry. At least you found us. Haha
Annie: Haha... she's right.
Mads: So I guess this is my bed?
Annie: Yeah, unfortunately. The earliest birds get the worms. Haha
K+M: haha
Kenzie: Come on, and play uno with us.
Mads: Yay! Haven't played this game in ages.
Annie: It's your luckiest day.

We all played uno for about two hours. It was fun whenever I won the game or came second which wasn't that much. Haha. Kenzie knows how to play. I just didn't like the fact that most of the time I forgot to yell uno when I had one card left. But, whatever it's time to go sleep.

Annie: I'm so tired *yawn*
Mads: Me too. I feel like I haven't slept in days.
Kenzie: Same. All this unpacking and organising and tidying the room, tired me up. *yawn*
Annie: So, who's going to the bathroom first?
Kenzie: You can go. I had shower when you guys weren't here.
Annie: Oh Okay, Mads?
Mads: It's fine. Go ahead. I'll go after you. Anyways I have to find my pj's so go.
Annie: ok

I went to the bathroom and had a shower. The water was so nice and warm. It just relaxed me. After I got out I put on some sweatpants that use to to Johnny's and his old tee.

Annie: All done. Mads you can go now.
Mads: Thanks, Goodnight Anns.
Annie: Goodnight, Mads *yawn*
I got into my bed and fall asleep.


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xoxo Mads

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