Day 9: Someone I wish I could meet

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Dear person I wish I could meet,

Who would you be? 5 Seconds of Summer? Jake Miller? Alabama Capital? Bars and Melody? Maybe not even one of them. It could be... Katy Perry! Or even Joe Sugg, Jack and Finn Harries? Who even knows! Maybe it'll be an idol, or someone in the news. Who even cares?! It's like this person will complete my life, finally bring me a sense of happiness that was never there before them. For me, it'll be the best moment of my life. The part when everything becomes clear and happy. But also the moment in which everything just rights itself. Where all my problems are insignificant until after the moment. The whole world suddenly balances itself out for me. For them, and for everyone else in my life. Or that's what I hope. But just imagine it turns out to be like what happened in The Fault In Our Stars... Where the one person both Augustus and Hazel actually visit the author who inspired them just for him to turn out to be an asshole... Do I want that? Hell, I don't care. I want to be me, and not care if they like me for me or if they don't. You can't let that get to you.


Megling xx

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