Alone With You

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Hawks is psyched.

Today is his first day off in what seems like in a millennia and he has a date with his sofa and the extra large greasy pizza haphazardly tipping on the pile of letters from fans, credit card companies and sponsorship offers. He stretches his wings to their full extend and rubs the back of his neck, today is going to be the best self care day.

It's already on a good start, seeing as he just woke up an hour ago at noon. He forgot how nice it is to sleep in past four in the morning.

"Man, I can't wait until I retire. This is the life." Hawks chirps as he grabs another slice of pizza. All of his curtains are drawn tightly shut and the flicker of his flat screen bathes his cozy apartment in a soft blue light. He's curls back up and wraps a fluffy fleece blanket around himself- settling down in his nest of pillows Hawks sighs and looks around his messy apartment. Debating if he wants to take the time to clean up his apartment- sort through old mail, clean the dishes and if he's feeling particularly motivated maybe even pick up his scattered laundry and throw it in the washer.

Ultimately, he decides that today is a Hawks day and he sure as hell isn't going to be doing any mundane household chores. He tells himself that he won't even lift a feather today. Cleaning his apartment can wait another day. Or another week.

He'll clean his apartment when the ever growing pile of trash is too large to ignore.

A loud knock startles Hawks from his food coma and his hand accidentally flings the pizza that was resting on his chest up into the air. He lets out a squawk and sends out a couple of feathers to catch the box before the pizza stops being food and becomes an interior design piece instead.

"Uhh, nobody is home right now. Please take a message at the beep. Beeeep." Visitors are not on his to-do list today and he knows that he specifically told everyone at work that he will not be answering any calls or visits unless Armageddon or the zombie apocalypse happens.

Miruko joked that knowing his luck, that probably would happen on his only day off in a year. He punched her in the shoulder and tastefully told her to shut the fuck up and not to jinx him.

"Little bird, little bird let me in or I'll burn your apartment down." Hawks groans at the familiar silky drawl of the baritone on the other side of his door.

Of course.

Of course it would none other than a certain fiery villain standing at his door in the middle of the day. Dabi apparently isn't the best at thinking things through. Hawks has a half a mind of shooting back with a "Not on the hairs of my chinny chin chin." But decides against it. He doesn't have renter's insurance and there's no telling if Dabi would actually burn down his apartment.

All Hawks wanted was a day shut in, binge watching Netflix in his holey sweat pants; yet here he is. Freshly woken up with a villain at his door. He thinks that aren't villains supposed to be avoiding heroes? Hawks also reminds himself that this is Dabi, if there's one thing that anyone has to know about Dabi it's that he does what he wants and doesn't exactly care about the repercussions.

Not that Hawks really minds; he's always liked playing with fire. He guesses that he isn't exactly the typical hero either. He doesn't know what kind of Romeo and Juliet bullshit he's recently found himself in but one can only hope that his story has a much happier ending.

Preferably flying off into the sunset where no one dies and everyone lives happily ever after. One can dream, right?

Before Hawks has a chance to get up from his nest on the sofa, he hears a click and the door swings open. Dabi casually strolls in with his hands in his pockets.

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