Chapter Ten

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"He said he loved you?!" Lily's astonished voice was raised slightly higher than normal and Marlene had to shush her as a few students in the common room had craned their heads in their direction.

"Sort of," Marlene whispered hurriedly. "And could you please keep it down, we're attracting some much unwanted attention."

"Sorry," Lily said earnestly before shooting a couple of second years a reproachful gaze that caused them to scuttle up the stairs to their dormitory. "So what did you say?"

"Er – " Marlene fumbled to recall their conversation. It had been a few days ago and the opportunity to tell Lily hadn't presented itself willingly. Of course, Mary hadn't been hanging around them much since their quarrel but Lily had been disappearing quite a bit more than usual. Marlene was now seeing exactly what Mary had been referring to but despite Mary's belief that she knew all of Lily's secrets, Lily wouldn't budge on telling her what she was up too.

"Marlene McKinnon," Lily sighed with sheer exasperation. "I didn't think you could possibly make your situation worse than it already was."

"Thanks Lily," Marlene said bitterly. She had already felt bad enough but Lily's comment made her feel even worse.

"I'm sorry Marlene, that was completely inconsiderate of me," Lily smiled apologetically. "You know I'm not very good at this relationship stuff. I just wish you would walk up to him and tell him how you feel without worrying about everything else."

"Yes well, you're not the only one that wishes that," Marlene mumbled irritably. "Every time I try something just holds me back."

"Well I think that you're going to start running out of opportunities if you don't do something about it fast," Lily seemed thoughtful yet stern. Her statement caught Marlene a little off guard despite the fact that Lily had always been one to be blunt and speak her mind.

"What do you mean?" Marlene asked curiously.

"Well you two have been broken up for almost five months already," Lily started. Had it really been that long ago since she had ended things with him? "And despite the fact that you think your conversation with him the other night went horribly, I think you're pretty lucky that he is speaking to you at all. But honestly Marlene, he's only going to give you so many opportunities. If you don't give something back he's going to think you don't care and eventually he will give up."

"And I thought you weren't good at this relationship stuff," Marlene mused. "That was pretty insightful for someone who's never been in a proper relationship."

"I am the smartest witch in Hogwarts you know," Lily smiled wryly and both girls shared a laugh. "But seriously Marlene, I know you're scared of rejection but isn't that what love is all about? Putting yourself out there, being vulnerable and letting someone see every piece of you? I think that if Sirius didn't still care for you he wouldn't have said any of those things. Maybe he's just hoping that the feelings are mutual. If you keep quiet he's going to think they're not."

"I suppose you're right," Marlene sighed and threw herself back into the couch. She looked up at the ceiling and focused her eyes on a large wooden beam above her. "I know that I need to get over my fears and take the leap I just need to find the right opportunity to do it."

"You don't wait to find opportunity," Lily said adamantly. She was drumming her slender fingers along the edge of the arm rest impatiently. "You make it."

Lily was right of course. She was always right. Marlene knew that she was being offered great advice and it wasn't anything that she didn't already know. Hearing it from her best friend clarified it all that much more and she knew that she was running out of time.

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