Right Here ♡

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Here is where is all started.

Here is where the feeling grew. 

Here is where my heart sank.

Here is the first time I saw you.

Here may rain, but

Here will always be sun at dawn.

Here at dush, is the most beautiful sight.

Here it is, with you by my side.

Here every love song speaks of you, 

Here every note is powerful too.

Here birds can fly freely

Here, without a care in the world.

Here is my happy place,

Here, where all my words to you come easily.

Here, fresh air we will always breathe,

Here will remain clean water of our seas.

Here rights will be respected, 

Here men and women are the same.

Here no judgement will remain.

Here may not be paradise, but whilst you are,

Here, by my side...

Here will be the most precious place,

Keeping me alive.

To my dear friend, who I hope finds the happiness she deserves ♡ Happy Valentines ♡

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