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❝All her pain,all her suffering

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All her pain,
all her suffering.
It clung to her like a shadow,
never letting her go.

All Sophie ever knew was the sadness and anger that tainted her heart, resentful of the life she was given. Abandoned by her own parents when she was born, being passed from foster home to foster home, she was constantly faced with the feeling of being unwanted. Her cold, dark feelings kept her company, following her everywhere she went like a shadow until it's what she became.
Sophie possessed powers that were once unimaginable to her. Her life, so empty and dull, had been brightened by an ability that changed her life forever. With a mind as cold and dark as her own, however, what she did with her powers was far from ethical, only drawing the attention of the Justice Society of America. Now, with new potential allies by her side, Sophie realizes that the existence of the entire world is in her very hands.



Camila Mendes as Sophie

Cameron Gellman as Rick Tyler

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Cameron Gellman as Rick Tyler

The rest of the Stargirl cast as their respective characters

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The rest of the Stargirl cast as their respective characters.

Shadow → Rick Tyler [Stargirl]Where stories live. Discover now