Chapter 4

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(Sky's POV)

I was running away from the people I was going to murder soon. I grinned at the thought of it. I saw my King and stopped.

"How did it go?"

I smirked.

"It went quite well. Those idiots think it's the real Sky."

He laughed and patted me on the back.

"Well then.. Take all of the prisoners and... Do what ever you like."

I giggled.

"My pleasure."

I started whistiling and walked over to them all. 35 captured.

I looked at all of them with deep thought. Then I saw a blonde girl staring at me. Horrified. I grinned at their fear. I pointed at her.

"You, your coming with me."

Tears started flowing down her face.

"No, no, no please!" she said.

She sounded as if she was 18.

"How old are you?" I asked.


I could hear the reak Sky screaming in the back of my head. I laughed in pity. 

"You go find a group called Team Crafted and you tell them that I have one of their friends."

I looked over at the man Sky knew as Kyle.

I untied the girl.

"Go! Run along and find them! Be back in a hour and I'll let you live."

She ran off. The back of her blonde hair soaked in blood.

"So.. Who's going to be the first...?"

I took out a knife. Suddenly all of them started to freak out. But a girl with purple hair. She looks as if she was 20. The real Sky's age.

"What's you name?" I asked pointing at her.

"None of your business you freak."

The real Sky wasn't taking this well. He was screaming that he was not a freak and for me to stop. I grinned.

"You sure you don't want to tell me? It'd be a shame for someone as beautiful as you to die."

"Go die in a hole." she said.


I picked her up by the collar of her jacket. She wounldn't look at me. I moved her head so she would see me face to face. She growled and sighed.

"Do whatever you want I'm not a part of any of this."

The real Sky was screaming louder than ever before. He was screaming so loud his voice had cracked into a high pitch. His words wrung in my ears.

"That's good enough for me!" I said.

I slowly stabbed the knife in the side of her heart. Her eyes widened as a tear went down her face. I let her collar go. She collapsed on the floor blood coming out of her spreading to the others feet and around their shoes and knees.

Real Sky was now screaming as if somone was torturing him in the worst way possible. His high pitched voice started to make my head throb.

"JUST SHUT UP!" I screamed.

Sky's screams ceased.

I grinned.

(Ty's POV)

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