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 From the paint came a figure. A figure that was new. It wasn't like any other cartoon characters or monsters that came from the machine. It was different. It had a mask and a halo. It also was the first with color, instead of just ink.

It named itself '' Samantha '' and decided a female gender for itself. As time passed, more of these strange figures appeared. Some had no genders.Some had halos, some had horns. Some have inky bodies, and some have pure flesh. Now they lie. They lie in a place. A place also from the paint.


One year later, a man by the man of Henry Stein fell down into the place with the machine. Little did he know there were more people down here. Only, they were from the paint.

'' Where am I? '' Henry said. He had fallen to a new place far below the studio. Looking around he found masks on the walls. Masks of the monsters that were made from the machine originally. The monsters before the monsters from the paint. Henry stood up, taking one of the masks and, thinking of nothing else to do, put it on. He then walked down the ink flooded halls. Ink he knew was from the machine. From the shadows, Samantha watched. The first creature. The one that was the ink's first colored creation. " How peculiar, a new one. I shall study this one carefully. '' 

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