Chapter 1

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The first thing Henry remembered was the inky hallways he just walked through, the feeling of being watched as he did, and those damn masks staring him down. Finally, after a few minutes of walking, he saw a room. It was filled with paint, of all things. In the center was a machine like the one who made the monsters on the surface. Only, this one was of paint, not ink. On the walls were posters of cartoons. They were like the ones on the surface, but were colored and the cartoon characters were bootlegged.

Seeing another room, Henry walked into it. This room seemed to be a bedroom. '' Why is there a bedroom in this studio? '' Henry asked to himself.

The bedroom seemed to be a girl's as the walls were purple and there were many plushies there. The only weird thing there was paint everywhere. On the walls, on the floors, on the plushies themselves. Henry, now creeped out, decided to close the door on the room and explore the next room that was there. The next room was an office. Again, with tons of paint in it. It seemed to have been a composer's studio. Why a composer would be here is... unknown. Especially down 70 or so feet. Speaking of 70 or so feet, how did Henry survive that? Ah whatever, this is a book, anything can happen. Anyways from the composer's office is another room. Henry went inside of the room, walked a few steps, and the door slammed shut. Henry was so afraid at the time that he didn't look back. '' Hello? '' 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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