Chapter 2

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Knowing Tony Stark was your soulmate was one thing. Acting on that knowledge was something else entirely. You couldn't just put your life on hold to run off to New York. At least that's what you told yourself. And you'd repeat it every time you watched his latest exploits on TV. Or when you looked him up on the internet. Or saw his face splashed across the latest gossip rags.

Scars came and went as you watched your soulmate from afar, but the one on your chest remained. It made you curious as to what the exact nature of his injury was. Typically, soulmate scars faded as the original wound healed, but this one still looked as ragged and raw as always.

Months passed while you watched your soulmate from afar. Even if you somehow managed to get through to him, would he even want to meet you? It seemed as though he had everything a man could want. What could he possibly need with you?

But then the attack on New York happened. Whole sections of the city were destroyed. Stark Industries was taking over the clean-up and rehabilitation of the most heavily damaged portions of the city. You and your parents were watching a news special about the attack and the aftermath. Your full attention was on the program, waiting for any mention of Tony. Suddenly the screen went black.

You turned to your mom in surprise. "What are you doing? Why did you turn that off?"

"It's time," was her answer, as if that was supposed to make sense to you.

You arched a brow and glanced from her to your father. His brows were drawn together in concern. "I'm still not certain this is the best idea."

"Stop. We've discussed this."

You were completely lost and it didn't get any better when your mom handed you a plane ticket. New York City. One way. "I don't understand."

Your mother reached over and laid her hand on your leg. "It's time for you to go to him. Stop thinking of the worst that could happen and take a chance."

"But..." You hadn't even hinted to either of them that you knew who your soulmate was. "How did you know?"

"We can match up scars just the same as you. We're not as oblivious to some things as you think." Your father's voice held that gruff tone he used when he was giving you a hard time.

"We were giving you time. And then there was all this chaos, but now I'm giving you a push." Your mother's tone was firm but not unkind.

"What if he doesn't want me?" It was the first time you'd voiced the thought out loud.

"Then he's a damn fool," your dad responded with no hesitation. "Now you better go home and pack. Flight leaves tomorrow."


You spent your first two days in New York sightseeing and calling every number you could find for Tony Stark and Stark Industries. After being passed from person to person, it became evident you wouldn't be allowed to speak to him unless you were already on some pre-approved list. Never imagining you would ever be this close to your soulmate, you weren't about to leave until you were certain you had tried everything you could to reach him.

So, your third day in town was spent being pampered. The full spa treatment and some new clothes. It wasn't about trying to impress anyone. Rather, you just knew you would need all the confidence you could get to pull off what you planned to do next.

The next morning you got yourself ready and took a taxi to Stark tower. You were careful not to arrive too early as you were more than aware of Tony's reputation. Ten o'clock on the dot you walked through the doors of the tower, doing everything in your power to appear as though you belonged there. Forcing yourself to keep your eyes on the front desk rather than taking in everything around you was more difficult than you thought it would be.

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