my time

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as I'm sitting next to water
watching the waves roll by
I wonder if it will be this peaceful
if I was to fall in and die
to be carried by the water
gently taken by the stream
a warm embrace to hold
in a dark and endless dream
I wonder if the people
that I care most about
will look at me in my slumber
and hold inside nothing but doubt
did she really love us
why did she choose to leave
was it really our fault
the scars she hid in her sleeve
we never heard her calling
and reaching out for hope
we didn't hold her tight
when she really needed it most
but I promise everybody
that when I choose to go
it was all of these feelings
I had no room to stow
it was endless thoughts
and pushed off memories
that I built up inside
I been holding for centuries
it was voices in my head
they left me no room
they pushed the thoughts inside me
and lead me to my room
it was being alone
even when I wasn't
it was making sense
when everything doesn't
it was laying awake
in a warm and comfy bed
it was not being okay
but that wasn't what i said
so when the times comes
and the sun sets on my life
don't hold my struggles
don't dwell on my strife
hold the love I have for you
and the memories so dear
hold my voice inside your thoughts
so you can always hear
hold my hand when you need it
and I will walk with you
I will be with each and everyone
in everything you do
I will still be your shoulder
when you just need to cry
I will still be your excuse
for a dumb and senseless lie
I will be the rain you walk in
and the sun that kisses your neck
I will be the trail you walk on
for a warm summers treck
I will be the snow that falls
and the ice that slicks the street
I will be the tik your hearing
when seasons music strike a beat
I will never really leave you
alone like I felt I was
check on the people you love
because thats what family does.

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