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Mako, Asami, and Bolin all nodded. The plan was complete. Bolin sighed and pressed a hand to the door.

"I'm going in" he said

Asami and Mako nodded and said nothing as Bolin entered the room.

Korra sat facing the window like she was hours ago. She hadn't moved. Bolin took a deep breath and ran up to her right side.

"Step right up!" He said stroking his fake mustache "it's pro-bending night and who do we have here? The fire ferrets! Mako the fire bender, Bolin the strong handsome earth bender and Korra the waterbender and the-"

He pointed to Korra but she only grimaced.

"Come on, nothing?" He asked

Korra didn't even turn her head.

He sighed in defeat and left.

Later Lin came in to give her a pep talk and Jinora came in and talked about the spirit world.

Tenzin came in too.

"You know Korra you don't have to feel pressured. Healing takes time"

he said

Everyone had mtried. Nothing worked. Asami, Bolin, and Mako huffed and stood again at Korra's door.

"I'm going in" Mako said

Asami looked at him and shook her head.

"I haven't tried. I've got to get in there. Korra's got to get it through her head that we need her to cheer up."

So Mako headed in Korra's room.

She was there sitting in her wheelchair and her interest was now the floor. Mako walked to her and crouched down in front of her but she did not look up.

"Korra. I know your hurting and you're trying to ...you're probably confused but we're...I'm not asking you to heal. That takes time. i'm not asking you to be the avatar and save the world. I'm just asking you to be Korra. Be happy, firey, bend a little."

He grabbed both of her hands.

"We...I miss you Korra. We believe in you. Will you smile?"

Korra was silent. Sighing, he gave her a kiss on the cheek and left closing the door behind him.

Meanwhile Korra lifted her hand to her cheek and for the first time in 2 weeks she smiled.


Cheer up, Korra!Where stories live. Discover now