I wake up and go downstairs to make my dad eggs, I leave it on the microwave and go upstairs to get ready. I put on leggings and a sister squad hoodie. Because I love sister squad, like I'm shipping Emtha because it is real. I throw my hair in to a ponytail, after many attempts to make a cute messy buns. I don't know how people have cute messy buns because mine never turn out cute. Anyways I go downstairs.
"The eggs are cold!" My dad yelled at me.
"I-I'm sorry" I look down preparing to get attacked.
"Well do better next time." He yells as he slaps me twice.
After he is done I go upstairs get my stuff together and walk out the door. I really don't want to go to school, but I do not want to be with my dad.
I get home to see my twin Alex and my dad fighting. When did Alex get home?
"She is living with me now." Alex tells my dad.
"Fine I don't want that hoe. " my dad smirked.
"Wow!" I gave my dad a dirty look.
"Oh hi Aspen go pack your stuff your moving out." My brother tells me
"Ok"I smile I'm so happy I am moving away from my dad.
In the car
I'm in a gang and I live with them so we are living there." My brother smiled at me.
"Um, ok" I smiled back.
"They already know your coming and you have a nice big room. We might be mean and bad but we do have money." Alex laughs
"Is there any girls there?" I asked.
"Um the cook." Daniel said as we pulled into the driveway.
"Also your taking online school." He added.
We walk in side so I can meet everyone before we take my stuff inside.
"So the shortest one is Logan he is 16. David is the youngest one being 15. The fake blonde is Dallas. He is 18. And Mason who isn't here right now is nineteen and is our leader." Alex told me.
"I'm not a fake blonde!" Dallas yelled.
"Mmhhmm sure." Logan smirked.
"Wait you said Mason... you don't mean..." before I could finish talking I was cut off.
"Ahh, cupcake is Alex's twin." I hear Mason's voice.
"I'm not cupcake." I stomped my foot down.
"I'm so scared." He fake trembled.
"Wait I saw you the other day when the alien was being annoying." I said pointing at Logan.
"Oh ya." Logan nodded.
"Are you going to get your things or not?" Mason smirked.
"Don't talk to me you alien." I looked away from him.
"I like her already!" David laughed.
"Hey girl!" Dallas winked at me
"Are you single?" Dallas asked me.
"That's my sister." Alex whined.
"No." I bluntly said.
"What?" Mason asked
"Who?" Alex asked.
"Netflix" I grinned
"Dallas you remind me of Corbyn Besson." I laughed.
"Haha very funny." He smiled.

The Gangleader's Girl
Ficção AdolescenteAspen Waldorf is a 18 year old girl. Her dad is abusive and her mom died, her twin brother Alex is in a gang. She hasn't seen him in 2 years. She has dreams to take her mother's footsteps and be a fashion designer. Mason Bass is 19 years old, and...