Need some help Shitty Hair?

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    He examined the razor blade. He set it on the counter and started to take his shirt off. He then forgot that the water was running then rushed to take the rest of his clothes off. He picked up the blade and put it on the ledge of the bath tub. He stood under the running water, feeling his hair fall from its hold because of the gel. He started to cry again. He didn't really entirely understand he was so emotional today. He picked up the blade and stared at it. He started to run the blade across his arm, just below his elbow crease. All of a sudden his quirk activated and stopped him.

    This upset him. He got angry and swiped it again, making cut finally. He watched as the blood poured down the drain, made a few more cuts. Then instantly regretted it. "What is someone sees it.." he thought "I'll just wear long sleeves". He washed his hair and body then turned the water off and stepped out of the tub. "Shit, my arm is still bleeding." He sighed. Wiped it off, then went into his room with a towel wrapped around him. He went to the closet and grabbed a black tank top and some red basketball shorts. Then he later down onto his bed and checked his phone. He had a message from Denki and Sero in the group chat.

Denki: hey Kiri, you alright?

Sero: yea dude, you were actin pretty weird today.

Denki: Kiri???

Kiri: oh yea haha, I'm okay. Just had a rough time getting up is all guys. 🙂

*a few seconds after kirishima sent the text Denki responded*

Denki: you sure bro? You can always talk to me.

Sero: um you mean he can talk to us.

Denki: that's what I meant. You can talk to us!!

Kiri smiled a little then responded;

Kiri: thanks guys! I'm glad I've got you guys as best friends 😀

    Kiri put his phone down then lay flat onto the bed and closed his eyes. Then there was another knock at his door. "Agh what now" he frowned. He made his way to the door and opened it slightly, "oh uh.. hey Midoria, what's up." Midoria stood there and looked at kirishima. "How are you Eijiro?" Kirishima faked a yawn and replied "actually I'm really tired for some reason today" Kiri faked a smile. Midoria quirked his  eyebrows and laughed, "okay haha, I was just making sure you were alright." Midoria started to walk away when Kirishima yelled at him, "hey Midoria, thanks" Deku turned and smiled and waved. Kirishima was going to shut his door when suddenly there was a foot wedged into it. "Ah Bakugo," he said with a nervous laugh. Bakugo shoved the door open and looked at kirishima.

    Kiri crosses his arms quickly and laughs. Bakugo looks him up and down then says, "what the fuck did that nerd want?" Kirishima looked at him oddly and replied "nothin, was just chatting about class today. Bakugo tch'ed and then rolled his eyes and walked away. "Whatever" he muttered. Kiri sighed, then shut his door and locked it. He looked at his phone again, only 6pm. Great. He turned on his tv and put a movie in. He laid on his bed and ended up dozing off.

Bakugo's POV

   "Whatever" I said, then walked away from his room. Damn shit hair. What the fuck does he think he can lie to me like that. I slammed my door shut and yelled in frustration. "What was his problem today? He was acting so damn different. Fucking shitty hair. I want to fucking know what's wrong" he got mad and explosions came shooting from his hands. I finally calmed down and paced back and fourth in my room. "He was crying. I fucking know it. Why I'm the hell did he fucking LIE TO ME" I decided to get into the shower and I turned only the hot water on. I got in as it burned my skin. I stood in there for about 15 minuets and finally got out. My hair was flat on my head and I shook it like a dog.

    After I dried off I got into a pair of gray sweats and a orange tank top. I threw myself onto the bed and looked at my phone. No messages. I rolled my eyes and decided to just go to sleep. I slowly drifted.

Still Bakugos POV

    I heard my alarm go off and I sat up and turned it off. "Wonder if that lug head has woken up yet" I shrugged and got into my uniform. Then I went to the bathroom and ran my fingers through my hair and ruffled it. *poof* all spiky. "Just how I like it", he smirked. I heard Kirishima's alarm go off for the 5th time. I so badly wanted to pound on the wall and get him to wake up, but I decided against it and grabbed my bad. "Fuck I forgot to put my shoes on" he muttered. He walked over and slid on his black shoes then headed to class. I noticed the sign up on the elevators was still there. I jabbed my thumb into the button and it still didn't work. "GoD dAmN iDiOts CaNt eVeN FiX a FuCkiNg eLeVaTor!" I yelled.

   I went towards the stairs and started down them when I heard loud footsteps near me. I looked back, "you finally woke up shitty hair" it was Kirishima. "Oh hey Bakugo!" Him and his big toothy smile. I fucking love it. "Yeah, I have a hard time getting up in the mornings" I scoffed "I can tell. I hear it every fucking morning" shit.. maybe that was too harsh. "Oh, I'm sorry Bakugo.. I can always ask to move rooms if that would be-" "shut the fuck up. I didn't say that it bothered me you dumbass" I scoffed. We finally made it to class. Kirishima was silent the whole way and looked down as we walked. I walked to my seat and Kiri went to his. He sat to the right of me and up one desk.

   Aizawa walked in and told us that we needed to study for an upcoming test next Monday (it's Friday) everyone groaned. "Fucking idiots" I muttered. Aizawa glanced my direction and I rolled my eyes. I looked over at kirishima. He had his head in his hands and looked stressed out. Should I ask him if he needs help studying? Fuck no. Why should I help him. Then this weird feeling made its way into my gut. Ugh fucking fine. I'll ask him if he wants my fucking help. Aizawa finally stopped fucking talking talking and class was over. Kirishima fumbled when he was putting his stuff together and looked like he was hurrying himself. I got up and walked out the door and stood outside.

    He finally came out. "Hey shit hair" Kiri looked shocked. "Oh uh.. hey Bakugo" he looked down and rubbed the back of his neck "look I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't mean-" "oh shut up! I said it was FINE!" I yelled. "Okay, I'm sorry" kirishima started walking away quickly and I yelled again, "Hey hair for brains. I was talking to you" he froze dead in his tracks and turned around with that big toothy fake smile. "Do you need help studying at all?" He looked down, "it's not your job to have to help me Bakugo.. I should be able to do this on my own" "I didn't fucking ask you if it was my job, I asked if you wanted help you goddamn idiot" "uh.. sure if you wanna help, I wouldn't object.." he said slyly.

    We kept walking and he finally got to the dorms and went inside. The elevator was finally fixed. "It's about fucking time" I said aloud. "For what?" Kirishima asked cluelessly. "The elevators are working again you fucking moron. Have you not been paying attention?" "Oh yea right, that's a good thing" he said. "No fucking shit hair for brains" I tec'hed. It stopped on my floor and we went to my room. I unlocked the door and opened it, we both went inside. I closed the door and cleared the papers off of my desk. Kirishima was looking around like an idiot. "What're you looking at?" I said a little to harshly. "Oh uhm, nothing. Was just looking around. I've never been in your room before, and I was curious.. I guess" he replied. I rolled my eyes and said "whatever"

    I had him sit at my desk. "You can take your jacket off if you want, I've got a tank top you can borrow if you want" I offered. "Oh.. uh no.. I'm okay" he said weirdly. I quirked my eyebrows and looked at him oddly. He took out some work and showed me a problem he was stuck on. I helped him and he did a few. I stood behind him then pulled out my phone. I glanced up, and noticed his sleeve fell down a little, revealing what looked like a cut. No, it looked like more than just a cut. It was two or three. I moved over to get a better view then he put his arm down. I grabbed his right arm and pulled his sleeve down.

Ahhh here's part 2, I should update frequently. I did 2 parts in one day, and I promise it will get better. This chapter is short, I'm sorry. 1,599 words.

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