{ Valentines day }

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Mika: happy valentines day guys! 
Kyla: Happy valentines day!
Jaycel: 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Sophia: happy valentines day bitches
Jana: happy valentines day!
Zahra: So, what should we do during valentines day?
Sabrina: Yazandra said there will be booths tomorrow
Louis: really?
Mika: yeah, she annouced it when we arrived back at school after the field trip
Kyla: yep, and then teachers appreciation day
Jaycel: ooooo
Carmela: jaycel and jana will be the MC daw?
Jana: yep
Jaycel: HA?!?!?!, ME? MC?
Kyla: oooooooooo
Jaycel: WHY ME HA?!
Kyla: cause thats what the president said
Zahra; oof
Sabrina: ok can we all disconnect now?
Everyone; sure
Bangdun disconnected

Hey friends sorry if this is a late upload!
Busy with school and stuff 😁😁😁

                       HAPPY READINGS!

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