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Wendy (Seunghwan) POV's

"Are you having extra shirt?" I still cover my chest with my hands. Sehun sitting next to me on the bed now. He didn't go back to class. He accompany me, I think he really feel sorry because of the girls act. "Are you having one?" He repeat his question. I look at him and shake my head. He unbuttoned his blazer and put it to my shoulder. "For now just use it, when the bell rang I will take our bag in the class, I will drive you home" I really tired because I through so much today so I just nodded to him. "Seung, mianhae" It's his seventh time saying sorry to me. I never answer his question or just replying his words. I'm just tired and I'm speechless. I lay my body on the bed and close my eyes. I can hear Sehun sighing and leave the clinic. It's better to be alone right now.

Sehun POV's

She really ignore me right now. She just nodded or shake her head whenever I asking her something. She seems like won't answer my question. Her mouth is always shut. I sit on the floor beside the clinic's door. I wait for the bell to rang. I sigh to myself, I made a huge mistake today, how can I let them bully Seung this way? I really a bad boy. I burry my face in my hand. Suddenly I hear the bell rang. I stand up and go to class. I take my bag and Seung's bag. All of my friends eyeing me now. I get out from the class without caring about their stares. I half running to clinic now. I turn the knob and open the door. I see those girls who bullied her earlier there. They yelling at her "BECAUSE OF YOU SEHUNNIE CALLED US BITCHES!" I see that girl is about to slap Seung's cheek, I run and block her hand. "YOU ALL REALLY BITCHES" I snap at her. She bulges her eyes and I know she will cry "I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR FACES! AND STOP CALLING ME SEHUNNIE" I grab her collar and continue my words. I see that girl crying and running away, her friends follow her running away. I approach Seunghwan "Are you okay?" I ask her worriedly. She just shake her head and starts to crying again. "Hey, don't cry, I'm here" I patted her back. I try to comfort her but it's useless. 

We are on the way back to her home. She keeps in silent now. I don't want to disturb her too. I know she through a though day. I park my car infront of her gate. "We are here" I said that softly to her. "Sehun" finally she open her lips. "Don't act nice to me just because you feel guilty towards me, by the way thank you for the ride" She open the door and left me there puzzled. I still can hear her words in my head, those cold words. I don't know why her words affect my mood so much. I'm in a bad mood because of her words. But suddenly I realize she act like that because of my mistake. I sigh and think. What should I do to make her smile again?

Wendy (Seunghwan) POV's

I sit on my chair in the class. Last day I run to my room so my mom can't figure out about what happened. My eyes swollen because I cry so much last night. "Yah, Seunghwan, mianhae" I hear Bona's voice. She sit next to me and hug me. I think she knows about last day scene."It's okay, I'm okay" I give her a small smile to convince her. The bell rang and the class started. I take a look at Sehun's seat. He is not there, he skip his class. What happened to him? Am I to cold last night? I sigh and take out my phone secretly. I text him and asking about his condition but until the last class ended, he didn't text me back. 

The next day he didn't come up at the school as well. Is it because my words? Am I to rude? I feel guilty now. I text him again saying my apologize to him but he still didn't replying. Where is he? Should I visit his house? I will visit his house today. After the bell rang I walk to subway and go to his house. But when I get there, the maid said that he is not there and Mrs. Oh already left to Mr. Oh's office. Seems like I have to wait. I go home now and I kinda miss him. Seunghwan! What is that in your thought? Are you crazy? I shake my head and walk hurriedly to my home. 

I wake up from my sleep and prepare myself to go to school. My heart hoping that Sehun will go to school today. Each day I become more crazy now. Why I think about him???? I walk slowly on the road. I think about him even more now. Why I have to think about him? When I arrive at school, I straightly walk to my classroom. I'm so surprised seeing Sehun there. His hair is blonde now. What happened to him? Why he dye his hair? But that blonde hair is match well with him. Make him more cool. Again Seunghwan what are you thinking about? I slap my cheek softly. I walk to his seat "Sehun I---" "We need to talk Seung" he cut my words. I nodded to him "I wait you in my car after the class ended" He said that and focusing on his book. He change. Is it because my cold words?

Sehun POV's

I'm very busy now. I have to practice with the other trainee because finally our company made a team of us. They ask us to practice with each other. I already skip my school about two days. It's a relief that the company said we can have a break and come again on the weekend. "Sehun, they ask us to change our look like dye our hair" I hear Jongin inform me about that. I just nodded to him and go to my car. I go to salon to dye my hair. I dye it to blonde. Wow! I look very handsome in blonde hair. I smile to my reflection but suddenly I frowning because I really miss Seung. Is she doing well this past two days? I hope Bona will protect her like I ask.

So many friends surprised with my new hair. I can hear the girls compliment my new hair. It match me well. I sit on my seat reading my book. I lift my face from the book and I see Seunghwan stand there. Looks like she thinking about so many thing. I see her slap her cheek softly. She really cute, I will tease her if it was 2 weeks ago. But I don't want to tease her again and give her trouble. I see her approaching my seat. "Sehun I---" she is about to said something but I cut her words. "We need to talk Seung" I said that to her and she nodded to me. "I wait you in my car after the class ended" I focusing to my book now. I can't continue to look at her face because I still feel guilty.

I lean on my car waiting Seung to come. I take out my phone and text her. "Where are you?" then she reply "I'm on my way to your car" I wait her there and I can see her approach my car. I see her hair is drift away by the wind, she is so beautiful. "Sehun" I'm awake from my thought "Ye, can we talk inside my car?" she nodded. There is a long silent inside my car. "Sehun" "Seung" we said that in the same time "You first" she said that. "Seung, please forgive me, I beg" I beg to her and I see her sighing. She give me a little smile and nodded. I smile to her "What do you want to say?" I ask her now "Ah, it's, eeeem, it's about my words that night, sorry" I remember her cold words that night "Don't need to say sorry, it's all my fault" I said that to her and smile. I think our relationship is better now, all is well now. I spontantly mess her hair and laugh. I stop that and I realize that she is froze there. IT'S AWKWARD. "Well, why your hair turns to blonde?" she asking that without facing me "Hmmm, I just want to change it" I lie to her. I can't said that I'm a trainee on SMent and I will debuting. I'm scared she will avoid me if she knows it.

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