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Sehun POV's

It's already 3 days but Seung still close her eyes. Since last day, I go to school and practice. I have to study because final examination is near. I hope Seung will open her eyes before our final examination. I have to practice well and today I have to filming teaser with my members. I change my hair color again. I change it into brown. I will accompany her at the hospital after filming done. "Sehun, let's go" I hear Kai's voice. I nodded to him and go to filming. I hope we can make it fast. I really want to see my angel. I miss her so much. I miss her smile and her silly act. I miss her voice. I miss talking with her. I miss everything about her.


After we done filming teaser, we go back to company. I hurriedly say goodbye to all member and to staff. I walk fast to my car "Sehun" I hear someone calling me. I turn my face and I see Inna approaching me. "Where are you going?" She ask me "Hospital" I said that but then I think to ask her go there with me "Wanna join me?" I ask her and smile. These past days, just Inna who there for me. She is very kind to me and she really concern about Seung's. I will have lunch with her when lunch time come. She always there for me. "Of course" She smile to me and follow me to my car.


We arrive at hospital and go to Seung's room. She is still close her eyes. When will she wake up? I sigh to myself and I can feel Inna stroke my back. I facing her and smile to her. Inna is like an angel for me. She came when I really need the most. I feel so alone because I can't talk with Seung but Inna is there for me. I walk closer to Seung and drag a chair. I sit on the chair and hold her hand "How are you today baby?" I speak so soft to her. I always asking her condition everyday but she never answer me. "When you will answer my question Seung? I'm missing you my angel"


Inna POV's

I see Sehun walk out from the building and I quickly follow him "Sehun" I call him and I see Sehun turn his face. I hurriedly walk to him  "Where are you going?" I ask him even though I know where would he go "Hospital" he said that to me "Wanna join me?"he continue his words and smile to me. He change! He is more sweet and soft towards me. I will always accompany him whenever he is alone, I think he will fall for me if Seunghwan never wake up from her sleep. Just sleep forever Seunghwan. "Of course" I said that to him and give him my best smile. He walk to his car so I follow him.


When we arrive there Sehun hurriedly go to Seunghwan's room. There is no one there, I think her parents know that Sehun will come. When he see Seunghwan still there closing her eyes, he sigh and I stroke his back to comfort him. Then Sehun facing me and give me his smile. His sweet smile!!! After that he walk closer to Seunghwan and drag the chair. He sit on it. I see Sehun hold Seunghwan hand "How are you today baby?" he speak so soft to her. It's different when he speak to me. Even though he speak soft to me, but it's more soft, full of love. I'm jealous now. CAN YOU JUST DIE SEUNGHWAN? I clench my fist "When you will answer my question Seung? I'm missing you my angel" I bite my lips to handle my anger. He call her baby and angel. Shit, totally shit. I have to do something. "Sehun" I call him and he facing me "Ye?" "I will buy dinner for us, what do you want?" I ask him "Hmmm, let me buy then, what do you want?" He stand up from his seat. Yes! I know he would say that, he is a gentleman that won't let a girl do such thing. "Anything" I smile to him and he nodded. When he left from there, I sit on his chair. I cross my arms "When will you stop breathing?" I ask her and roll my eyes. "Should I do that for you?" I ask her and smirking. Will I make my hand dirty for the second time? I think for a long time and decided. I stand up and about to put my hands on her neck "I'm back" I hear Sehun's voice and hurriedly act like I stroke her cheek. It's disgusting. 

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