"I kinda miss them!"

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Today it was you're birthday you had lots of fun the party was at Scourges house it was all a surprise you loved it :D then when you Sonic Shadow and Silver camed back you everyone said goodnight and you went to you're room then you opened the door and turned on the lights and closed it then you went straight to you're bed and grabbed you're mom and dad photo (I wonder how's everyone doing...) you thought and then started to tear a little bit and sniffed a bit then someone opened the door.

"(Y/N)?'why are you crying?" Sonic asked a little worried "I'm fine!" You said and quickly putted away the photo and washed with you're hands away you're tears then Sonic camed more close to you and sat next to you on you're bed "Tell me." He saw you with his emerald eyes a little serious but worried "I....you know kinda *sniff* miss my family.." You sobbed but tried really hard not to cry "It's okay to miss them (Y/N)" Sonic putted his hand on you're cheeks gently and you started crying a little bit more and you quickly hugged him "Thanks....Sonic" You said happy and Sonic hugged you back "I love you" Sonic said hugging you back "So are you enjoying möbius so far?" Sonic asked you "Yeah! Everyone is like a family to me you know!" You chuckled and the crying went off "Really glad to hear!" Sonic chuckled

"Oh that's right (Y/N)! I haven't gave you you're present!" Sonic brames the hug and gasped "You think!" You laughed "Be right back!" Sonic said and ranned off of you're room and camed back in a second "Okay close you're eyes!" The blue blur chuckled "Awww do i have to!?" You asked inpathintly "Yes!" He laughed "Fine" then you closer you're eyes and peeked a little "Don't peek!" Sonic said and putted his hand on you're eyes playfully then he putted quickly something on you're neck "You can open them know!" Sonic said and you opend them and saw a beautiful necklace with an emerald on "Wow!! Sonic this is the best!!" You said excited "Yeah i mean you are always watching at my emerald eyes XD so I thought you might like it!" He smirked at you trying to make you mad XD "Oh you!" You laughed and punched Sonic playfully

Then after that you and Sonic falled asleep on you're bed Awwww how cute!! XD

Sonic x Reader Book 2 School DaysWhere stories live. Discover now