12. He's the one?

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August & I pulled up to the hospital. I was to busy procrastinating, I'm not ready to go in. I can't believe I let Aug talk me into coming to see her. The last time I seen my grandmother is when I was 12. I was distracted from my thoughts as I heard banging on the car window.

"Get out Jewel." August yelled.

I shook my head no.

August opened the car door tugging at my arm.

"Don't make me pick ya ass up, and carry you in there."

I sighed. "Alright August I'm coming!"

I slowly climbed out the car locking the doors behind me.

August walked behind me to make sure I wouldn't run back towards the car.

I walked up to the receptionist behind the desk; a white lady with burgundy hair. She look like she's in her mid 30's. She greeted me with a warm smile.

"How may I help you Hun?"

I gave her a weak smile.

"I'm looking for Lucille Jones."

The lady nodded her head as she searched my grandmothers name in the computer.

"If you walk through the hallway to the right and make a left before the vending machines you'll see an elevator that will lead you to the third floor. She's in room 302." She handed August & I both visitation stickers.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"You're welcome Hun." She flashed her perfect white teeth.

August and I followed the directions the lady gave us. I was damn near shaking once we got on the elevator.

"Jewel relax." Aug gripped my waist givin me butterflies.

"August stop it, you know we can't be seen in public doing this." I whispered.

August sucked his teeth. "And you wonder why I get mad at ya ass."

I sighed. "Not now August please it's not a good time."

The elevator made a 'ding' noise signaling we on the third floor. My heart began to pound fast as I walked off the elevator. I paused when we made it to room 302. It's like my feet was stuck to crazy glue because they wouldn't move one bit.

"Jewel go in there and get it over with, you gotta see ya gram'ma."

August Louisiana accent sent chills down my spine, it always do. August pinched my ass causing me to jump.

"Ouch!" I slapped his hand.

August snickered. I rolled my eyes as I finally got the carriage to walk inside the room. I seen my mom sitting in a chair next to the bed holding my grandmothers hand.

My mom got up to hug me. "Hey my love." She kissed my forehead.

I sighed as I seen my grandmother hooked up to all these machines. My grandmother squinted her eyes as she looked at me.

"Oh my goodness, I know that's not my Hershey kiss." I smiled a little.

My grandmother used to always call me that when I was a little girl.

"It's me Grammy." I kissed her forehead.

"You then grown so much, grown into a beautiful young lady." She smiled.

My smile quickly faded away once I noticed her mouth was twisted a little.

"And who's this young man?" My grandma asked referring to August.

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