His Miko

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Last time on, Love Between Eras.......

The first girl (Ayumi) walked over to Inuyasha and dragged him away from Kagome and Yuka grabbed Kagome by the arms. "ARE YOU NUTS?!" Yuka asked worriedly seeing Kagome's lovestruck gaze at the haynu. "Stay away from Kagome you, you, you perverted jerk!" Ayumi said angrily but was about to hit him when suddenly she was whacked over the head with a staff by a man in robes. "Thanks Miroku." Inuyasha grunted pushing the unconscious Ayumi off himself, Eri was just mentally freaking out but rather decided to just say nothing to upset anyone, Yuka on the other hand was glaring at Miroku when Kagome started shaking, Yuka got confused as to why she was shaking so badly when Kagome broke down into tears and sank to the ground after Yuka let her go to ponder, everyone just stared in surprise, well except Inuyasha who ran over and hugged Kagome tight but didn't say a word of apology.

As for Miroku he was sitting on the ground with Eri and Shippo watching all this. "What's wrong with Kagome?" Eri finally spoke glancing at the monk and kitsune fox child. "I'm not sure." Was the solemn answer from Miroku. "She really missed Inuyasha, the last time she was here Koga and Inuyasha were fighting about the whole Koga trying to make Kagome his woman thing, and then she yelled at them for being stupid and jerks and then she left." Shippo said glancing up at Eri who was frowning. "When she first told us about him back when, she said he was a self centered jerk and we were all so confused as to why she liked him, but now I see why." Eri murmured softly as Kagome started crying her heart out to Inuyasha. "Hey Mutt-Face! Hands off my woman!" Miroku and Shippo both groaned. "Not again..." Miroku sighed as a man with black hair and brown tail ran into the clearing and tried to hit Inuyasha but then stopped when he saw Kagome crying, now he was pissed. "What did you do to her mutt-face?!" He asked in an angry tone and the Inu Haynu only rolled his eyes. "I didn't do anything Koga." He spat, but as Kagome was crying she said something that had everyone's jaws dropping. "I missed you so much! I couldn't stop thinking about you when I tried so hard to forget you! Inuyasha I love you!" And Koga fainted along with Yuka who fell into the well along with a now very confused Ayumi, they hit the bottom of the well with a thud when the world around them turned to galaxy once more and they found themselves back in Modern Japan.

Back in Futile Japan Kagome and Inuyasha sat together hugging along with Eri, Miroku, and Shippo, Miroku was actually able to resist touching Eri's butt fearing Inuyasha would notice.


Kagome began to calm down after a few minutes enough to hear the words Inuyasha spoke to only her. "I love you Kagome..... Never forget that..." He whispered making her blush pinkish red, Miroku and Eri noticed this and Eri giggled. "What's so funny?" Inuyasha snapped defensively. "Oh nothing, I've just never seen Kagome blush like that unless she was talking about you." She said before walking away from the group and down into the well. "We're all together again." Shippo said smiling. "Not necessarily Shippo, Sango's still missing." Miroku spoke in his lighthearted but very letchered way, Kagome looked sad as she stared at the sky which was slowly turning bright. "I wonder if Sango can see the stars...." She whispered.

In Inuyasha's mind all he could think about was Kagome, his one and only Kagome, he couldn't picture or see himself with anyone else not even Kikyo, he had learned from his mother that love could be anything from sibling rivalry, to marriage with another being, he always wondered where Sesshomaru's mother was or if his dad had gone to hell with the samurai Takemado, but right now his thoughts were focused on his beautiful Miko, he embraced her as if she'd been gone for a thousand years, she was tense now as Koga was waking up.

When Kagome saw Koga stirring in his faintedness she became tense, for reasons unknown she was shaking so badly that you could actually see her worry and fear in every shake, Inuyasha held her close and growled at Koga in a defensive way and when he was much more awake Inuyasha pulled Kagome closer to himself with her chest pressed against his and her back to Koga. "Let her go mutt-face!" Koga snapped. "No. She's my woman now." And everyone had funny but very stupid lookin' expressions on their faces, except for Kagome and Inuyasha of course.

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