Sango And Kohaku: Reunited & Pain

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Last time on, Love Between Eras.......

Inuyasha, Kagome, Koga, Shippo, girls:

The first girl (Ayumi) walked over to Inuyasha and dragged him away from Kagome and Yuka grabbed Kagome by the arms. "ARE YOU NUTS?!" Yuka asked worriedly seeing Kagome's lovestruck gaze at the haynu. "Stay away from Kagome you, you, you perverted jerk!" Ayumi said angrily but was about to hit him when suddenly she was whacked over the head with a staff by a man in robes. "Thanks Miroku." Inuyasha grunted pushing the unconscious Ayumi off himself, Eri was just mentally freaking out but rather decided to just say nothing to upset anyone, Yuka on the other hand was glaring at Miroku when Kagome started shaking, Yuka got confused as to why she was shaking so badly when Kagome broke down into tears and sank to the ground after Yuka let her go to ponder, everyone just stared in surprise, well except Inuyasha who ran over and hugged Kagome tight but didn't say a word of apology.

As for Miroku he was sitting on the ground with Eri and Shippo watching all this. "What's wrong with Kagome?" Eri finally spoke glancing at the monk and kitsune fox child. "I'm not sure." Was the solemn answer from Miroku. "She really missed Inuyasha, the last time she was here Koga and Inuyasha were fighting about the whole Koga trying to make Kagome his woman thing, and then she yelled at them for being stupid and jerks and then she left." Shippo said glancing up at Eri who was frowning. "When she first told us about him back when, she said he was a self centered jerk and we were all so confused as to why she liked him, but now I see why." Eri murmured softly as Kagome started crying her heart out to Inuyasha. "Hey Mutt-Face! Hands off my woman!" Miroku and Shippo both groaned. "Not again..." Miroku sighed as a man with black hair and brown tail ran into the clearing and tried to hit Inuyasha but then stopped when he saw Kagome crying, now he was pissed. "What did you do to her mutt-face?!" He asked in an angry tone and the Inu Haynu only rolled his eyes. "I didn't do anything Koga." He spat, but as Kagome was crying she said something that had everyone's jaws dropping. "I missed you so much! I couldn't stop thinking about you when I tried so hard to forget you! Inuyasha I love you!" And Koga fainted along with Yuka who fell into the well along with a now very confused Ayumi, they hit the bottom of the well with a thud when the world around them turned to galaxy once more and they found themselves back in Modern Japan.

Back in Futile Japan Kagome and Inuyasha sat together hugging along with Eri, Miroku, and Shippo, Miroku was actually able to resist touching Eri's butt fearing Inuyasha would notice.

<Last time for the siblings>

*At The Village Ruins*

A woman wearing magenta, grey, and black clothing stepped into the ruins of a once respected village, a large tan and orange boomerang strapped to her back and her raven colored hair in a ponytail, the moment she stepped foot into the village she fell to her knees as her eyes clouded with tears, the little Nekomata on her shoulder jumped down and looked around the area that was closest and in sight of her companion, what they didn't know was.......

Someone was watching them......

The girl heard clinking and the sound of something metallic dragging through the earth, she knew what it could possibly be, it could easily be a Kusarigama, which was a common bone sickle used by the Demon Slayers of her village, she looked up slowly into the face of a young boy about maybe 15 years old, Sango began to tear up when she saw him and Kirara made somewhat incoherent cat-like noises and jumped onto the boy's shoulder and nuzzled him. "S-S-Sango?" He whispered dropping his Kusarigama onto the ground and then Sango hugged him. "Kohaku!" She said with tears in her eyes as she hugged her brother. "Y-You're hugging me again...." He said shyly with a blush as Kirara nuzzled his cheek making her adorable noises.


Kohaku glanced at the girl hugging him and blushed some more, Sango was crying with a smile on her face as she hugged her lost brother when she saw someone in the shadows nearby, her eyes turned to an expression of anger when she saw Kagura Of The Wind watching her and Kohaku holding her usual weapon of choice which happened to be a fan in front of her face.

Kagura just laughed softly with a smile. "This is all just some trick isn't it?...." Sango asked staring sadly at Kagura and then just holding her brother close. "I promised myself I wouldn't fall for another one of Naraku's tricks but I keep falling for them!...." She said as tears fell from her eyes. "Just because I'm part of Naraku doesn't mean I don't always listen to him." She said in annoyance glaring at Sango but her expression wasn't as angry, if anything she looked like she was slowly dying on the inside, she turned to Kohaku. "Kohaku do me a favor... Never forget me or Sango, never forget your sister, don't forget them...." Kagura said with a hand on his shoulder before turning back towards the shadows and limping towards the darkness leaving bloody footprints on the ground behind her along with drops of blood, Sango looked at Kohaku's shoulder and saw more blood but when she wiped it off there was no wound. "Oh Kohaku, I'm sorry for you and Kagura, she was probably like a sister to you, or Kikyo forbid, a mother figure...." Sango said as she saw tears in her kid-brother's eyes. "Kagura!" He cried out, they waited for two minutes before they went to look for her.

It was near the graves where the slayers had been buried when they found Kagura's still body, Kohaku sunk to his knees and cried into Sango's shoulder who held him sorrowfully as she stared at Kagura. "Kohaku she's not dead yet, she's still breathing. We can save her, I won't let her leave you, I hate seeing you so hurt and sad...." Sango said and then cursed herself and whispered apology to Inuyasha for taking the jewel shard, she let go of her brother and walked over to Kagura moving part of the clothing on Kagura's shoulder out of the way and pushing the shard into her shoulder. "Now we wait....." Sango whispered. "W-What are you doing to Kagura?" Kohaku asked in a curious but sad tone to Sango. "This is what Naraku did to keep me alive or strong back when....." Kohaku heard the hesitance in her voice. "When what?" He asked looking at her. "When Naraku lured my family and members of this village to their deaths along with me and my brother, you remind me of him greatly but his memories are different from yours." She now had tears falling from her cheeks as she admitted that Kohaku would never remember her, then suddenly something moved behind them or should we (aka I The Great Narrator~Senpai,) say someone?

Don't hurt me, it's a cliffhanger!

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