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Happy Valentine's day from me and little Reeses ! <3
ed_ted_: Love u so so much hun <3 |_ellel._: love u wayyy more xxx
gabbywalli.s: Cuties!!!
jam._.pots: nearly threw up when i saw this |_ellel._: happy valentine's day james (:
lil.l.p: Awww!
pops.parks_: sick shot B) |_ellel._: sorry i didn't quite catch that poppy
zhizhi: If Reeses was at Hogwarts he would have HAD to sleep in our dorm so i could cuddle him, hes the cutest hasghksha |_ellel._: hehe ikr :)))))))
lys.scama02: GROSS |_ellel._: bitch stfu u have LYSE |_lys.scama02: it's spelt lice bitch |_ellel._: it's spelt pun bitch |_lys.scama02: u just can't spell it right for the life of you, huh? |_ellel._: ha ha.
beau.ty: The prettier sister :( |_ellel._: is YOU!
Anon1234: gross ugly ass, ur forehead is longer than january |_ellel._: cute!