11 : Vkook : Shower

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(requested by @TheRealFashionPolice )

jungkook dropped his head down on the desk. this meeting is going for forever... it was a business meeting, with jungkook only being a trainee he had to attend anyway, even though they didn't need his input. jungkook has been watching the same fly bounce over and over again on the chief's head, wanting some sort of distraction, some sort of physical movement. his boss look at him, jungkook about to fall asleep on the desk.

"pst!" he whispered to him. jungkook looked up, hopefully. he pointed towards the door, nodding. jungkook stood up quietly, bowed at his boss, and left the room.

he walked out of the office building, stretching his legs and groaning as he felt a wave of relief go through him. he quickly checked his phone, no new messages. the same wallpaper stared at him, his tri-coloured tabby, mame. he giggled at his cat before shutting his phone and fishing for a few coins for the bus. sitting down at the bench, he scrolled through instagram for a few minutes, cooing at the cute couples on his feed before stepping onto the bus and travelling the short ten minute ride back to his apartment.


jungkook arrived home, noticing that his roommate wasn't home yet. he noticed that he'd left some money on the table got jungkook, a tenner.

'here's some money, i won't be home for an extra hour. buy something online, will you? you're getting thin - v-hyung'

jungkook laughed at his generosity and his nickname. he ordered some chinese takeaway before sitting on the couch, playing whatever was currently on the television. he felt his eyelids droop, before a doorbell rang, scaring the living daylights out of him. he went and took the containers from the man, smirking at the number he had not-so-secretly snuck into one of the containers. he sat at the couch, eating the pawn-crackers and munching down on some lemon chicken.

he watched the rest of the movie playing, and burped after finishing the last of his box. he looked at his watch. taehyung shoulld be home any minute now. jungkook decided he was going to go take a quick shower.

he walked into the bathroom, stripping and tracing his abs subconsciously with his cold fingers. he smiled softly, turning on the hot tap and slowly adding the cold water. he stepped inside, the hot water clashing with his cold skin and clashing, making him shiver. his ears pricked up, hearing taehyung entering the apartment. he smiled, turning around and starting to wash his body. he heard the door open, jungkook whipping around, his heart racing.

"t-taehyung! what are you doing! look away!" he said, turning away and covering himself, his face red. taehyung frowned, not caring at all. he held up the piece of paper with the number on it.

"care to explain?" he said. jungkook blushed.

"it was just the delivery boy. i d-didn't know it was there--" jungkook explained, but taehyung had already stripped and was stepping into the shower, wrapping his arms around jungkook's god-like body, gently attaching his lips to jungkook's neck, making him shiver.

"t-taehyung! what a-are you doing?!" jungkook yelped slightly as taehyung started stroking his already wet dick. jungkook was pressed up against the wall, the cold condensation making his nipples hard. jungkook moaned as he felt taehyung's face up against his neck and face.

"ready babe?" he asked. jungkook swallowed in lustful fear.

"f-for what-- ah~!" he moaned as taehyung pushed in, his fingernails digging into the grit between the tiles. he panted as taehyung slipped in and out, still pumping his member. taehyung kept a steady pace, the slapping sound growing louder and louder as the sound reverberated off of the walls. jungkook panted, bending over, his convulsing with pleasure. taehyung brushed against jungkook's prostate, making him scream and made his knees buckle. taehyung smirked, leaving hickeys all over his back and neck. jungkook was gasping for air, he felt his orgams push at him, and he came all over the walls, whining and moaning as his voice broke in shattered breaths, taehyung cumming shortly after, dripping out of jungkook as he pulled out, kissing over his hickeys and gently finishing jungkook off.

"never again, baby. you're mine."

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