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Jake pov:

My father walk up to the stage and raised his hand making everyone silent "today as you know that we had a long journey to move here and I know some of you have school tomorrow" everyone groan as he continues "I will like to warn you that I do not own this land but a friend of mine does who goes to high school with you and the rules are easy here and everyone here knows the rules even the humans" he said.

'what the fuck does he mean that he does not own the land and he goes to high school with us?!!' I thought

"Before I let you leave I have to remind you 3 simple rules
1) do not fight with humans
2) you cannot go after people with no reason meaning no rank lower or higher than you
3) you allow to date but do not have sex anywhere near the school especially sluts

Everyone looked at him weird "do not look at me like that it was written the way he wanted and I would also remind you that he will be coming back next Monday so do not piss him off dismiss" he got off the stand "Jake over here!" I turn to see my beta and my best friend Jacob and Stacy walking toward me "hey what do you think about the boy?" I shook my head "I can't wait to meet him" Stacy said excitedly as Jacob and I nodded in agreement.

"Okay, guys I'm going to head in and sleep, good night and see you in the morning" they nod in agreement and went their separate ways. I went into my house to smell my dad delicious food while walking into the kitchen "hi dad whatcha cooking?" as I sat down on the table and saw that my dad set down plates down all around "dad are we having someone over?" I asked.

"Oh! we forgot to tell you that my friend has some children we need to take care for a week?" he said nervously.

"Oh okay they will be sleeping in my room?" he nodded "just the older ones" I nodded as my dad fills up all the plates.
Knock knock
My dad walked over to open the door than coming back to the table with four little kids behind him "hey grandpapa who is this?" the little one said "this is my oldest son Jake" he ran toward me and smiled "Hi Jakey my name is Luke" he said 'Awe he so cute' I thought and turned to the other "hi Luke are these your brothers?" I pointed to them as he nodded and ran to them "this is Conner" he pointed to the 2nd youngest "Liam and Lucas" he said happily pointing to the last two.

"Hi nice to meet all of you and come sit down and eat," I said letting each of them take a seat and eat.

After dinner......

"Liam and Lucas you will be going to sleep with Jake room" they nodded and went to follow me to my room.


Ash pov:

I felt a tap on my shoulder "excuse me are you Ash Tallman?" I nodded and follow her into the car. "umm.....Mr. Tallman is it okay if you do something for me?" I nodded "sure Lily what are your problems?" I heard her sighed "well there is an Omega name Jimmy and he is constantly bullied and been called a "freak" as my brow rise "what do you mean by that and what is your relationship with him?"

I felt her gaze on me "I don't have any with him, but I want him out of pack and into a new one where he feels safe and able to make friends" she said truthfully "the reason they call him "freak" is because he has two different eye color and unusual hair color" she said trying to get the words right.

"could you tell me what they do to him except for bullying him?" I asked

she nodded "they make him do all their dirty work, make him sleep in a basement, call him words like faggot and such, sometimes they hurt him so badly he's limping, and they hate him even the other Omega" she explains making me grunt against my anger.

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