Chapter 1

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It was his eyes that struck me first, I think.

They walked the line between golden-brown and striking green, and when I stepped up to the front of the line to order my usual coffee and I glanced up from my wallet to see them staring back at me I felt my heart pound violently in my chest.

Or perhaps it was his smile, the way his dimples lingered even when his brow furrowed in concentration while he tapped people's complex orders into the glowing screen in front of him.

Or maybe it was his voice, the slight accent he had and his upbeat tone and enthusiasm while interacting with customers in the bustling, crowded Starbucks at 7 am, a feat that truly amazed me. I had barely been able to drag myself out of my bed and look relatively presentable for my first day of college, and I couldn't even imagine having to work in such a fast-paced environment and deal with grumpy morning people (such as myself) while still maintaining a positive attitude.

Whatever it was that had drawn me to him, I couldn't help but observe him while I waited for my drink to be made. I fiddled with the straps on my bag as I stood amongst the crowd of angry-looking businessmen, chattering soccer moms, and already sleep-deprived college students such as myself.

Meanwhile on the other side of the counter, there he was, dashing back and forth between the register and making drinks. I felt a smile play across my lips as his sandy-colored curls bounced slightly while he jogged from one side of the room to the other. He scooped some ice into a cup and expertly stuck the lid on, sliding it across the counter to a waiting customer. I squinted a little trying to read his nametag but couldn't quite see.

Aaron maybe? Asher? I thought to myself, trying to get a better look. At that exact moment he turned to look up and his hazel eyes met mine, causing me to quickly avert my gaze.


Of course he would look at me right as I was staring at him! I pulled out my phone and started to act busy, just trying to find an excuse to not get caught looking at him again.

The first thing that came up were 3 unread messages from my roommate and best friend Scarlett.

Scarlett: OMG please tell me you're at Starbucks rn

Scarlett: And please tell me you wanna be the best roomie ever and get me a caramel macchiato?

Scarlett: I'll pay you backkkk :)

I chuckled a little to myself, knowing I would have probably done the exact same thing if the roles were reversed. She was most likely still in our room getting ready for class, but I knew there was no way in hell I was surviving my first day without a caffeine boost.

Tori: Fine, you owe me though

I quickly typed out the message and sent it before injecting myself back into the stream of customers waiting in line to order their drinks. Oh no, this meant I would have to see him—whatever his name was—again. He probably thinks I'm insane. I mentally cursed myself, but I had already promised Scarlett her drink and I couldn't just turn her down like that.

The line moved relatively quickly and soon enough I was standing in the exact same spot I had been in 5 minutes ago, and this time I had a clear view of him and his nametag, which read Ashton.

"You just couldn't stay away, huh?" He grinned across the counter at me when he noticed I was back, and I felt the heat rise in my cheeks against my will.

"My friend texted me last minute," I answered truthfully with a shrug. "Apparently she cannot survive today without her caramel macchiato," I simultaneously carried on the conversation and ordered, watching his slender fingers type it into the register.

"Trust me, it takes insane amounts of caffeine to get through this job, so I understand." He laughed loudly, his dimples deepening as his face broke into a wide grin. I couldn't help but smile at the sound of his laugh—it was contagious. "That'll be $5.34, Tori, was it?" He arched an eyebrow while I tried to hide my shock that he remembered my name. He must just have a good memory with customer names...he seemed pretty experienced working here.

I nodded and slid the money across the counter, and the coins jingled together cheerfully as I dropped the excess change into the glass tip jar resting on the counter. "Thanks," I took the receipt from his outstretched hand and gave a little wave before heading over to wait for my drink.

I inhaled deeply, allowing the smell of coffee to wash over me and relax me while I mentally walked myself through my class schedule for the day, occasionally glancing up to watch Ashton when his back was turned. It was fascinating to see how quickly he moved and how well he knew his way around the steaming pots of coffee and bottles of syrup. As the time passed I started to fiddle with my necklace impatiently; I was already stressed out for the first day of class, and I really hoped that waiting for Scarlett's drink wouldn't make me late. Luckily we had our very first class together so I wouldn't have to go out of my way and meet her anywhere.

"Tori!" I heard a voice call my name, pulling me out of my thoughts, and Ashton was sliding two drinks across the counter. I took them from him and gave him a grateful smile before heading out the door, and hurrying off to class, not daring to look over my shoulder as the heavy glass door closed behind me.

I took a sip from my drink and winced as I burned my tongue on the scalding hot liquid, quickly recoiling and looking down at the cup. Scrawled in messy sharpie was my name and a small smiley face. I smiled a little at the sight of it, readjusting my grip on the two cups in my hands. After speed walking to class (and burning my tongue a second time after mistakenly thinking my drink was cool enough to try) I hurried into the lecture hall, scanning the rows of faces for Scarlett.

Finally my eyes landed on her and I made my way over, sliding into the seat next to her and dropping my bag on the ground as I handed her her precious macchiato.

"You're welcome," I said as I pull out my laptop, settling into my seat.

"You're the best," she grinned and took a sip of her drink.

"I'm well aware," I said smugly, which earned me a dramatic eye roll from her.

Before she could retaliate with a snide comment the professor's voice filled the large room, and we both turned our attention to the front.

So far, college was turning out to be pretty great. 

A/N: Guys I'm so so excited to be writing this! Please drop a comment and remember to share this if you enjoy! I love you all so much. 

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