Through the Barrier

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Hermione made sure she got a good rest every night after that day, trying to regulate her sleeping patterns for Hogwarts. What if there was some sort of wizard time difference?! She had to be prepared.

Hermione was also keen to make sure that she had enough time to read.

She wanted to know most everything about Hogwarts before she got there, and it was quite interesting. She couldn't stop reading Hogwarts: A History after she had started, and then she began to practice a few simple spells. She simply could not wait!

Hermione had read about each and every one of the Houses and their founders at Hogwarts, but she could not decide which House she wanted to be in.

"Oh, definitely not Hufflepuff! Don't want to be labeled as an outcast again!" Hermione informed her father after reading all about Hufflepuff House.

But the prospect of being in Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Gryffindor did very much excite Hermione.

Ravenclaw - where wit beyond measure is a man's biggest treasure!

Hermione would fit right in there! She was the smartest in class and always had been. She would be eagerly excepted in Ravenclaw, but the thought being just like everyone else there clawed at her insides. Being just like everyone else was almost as bad as being an outcast, making Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff not exactly the best choices.

Then there was Slytherin, which sounded amazing. Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness!

She was indeed determined and seemed to fit the description but the thing that worried her was what Hogwarts: A History had to say about Salazar Slytherin, the founder of Slytherin House.

Salazar Slytherin disagreed. He did not think Muggle-borns for a good fit for Hogwarts, causing Gryffindor and Slytherin to quarrel. Slytherin, not able to compromise with the prospect of having the off springs of witch-hunters in his school left, leaving Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw to run Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry by themselves.

Hermione shivered.

She was Muggle-born!

But maybe things have changed, Hermione told herself. Maybe now they have learned to accept Muggle-borns. That was ages ago when he lived. There were many Muggles out trying to kill sorcerers. He had good reasoning, didn't he?

Hermione was now somewhat against being in Slytherin but before she had made any final rash decisions she wanted to go around the Hogwarts Express and ask about the Houses to make sure she honestly knew where she wanted to be put.

Then there was Gryffindor! Gryffindor - Their daring nerve and chivalry set Gryffindors apart!

This was one House Hermione had no problem with! It was the perfect House to be in! Everyone in Gryffindor was different in their own ways but tied together due to their bravery and that was really what interested Hermione and drew her to Gryffindor!

She read on and on about Hogwarts.

By the next week she had memorized most every fact about the ghosts, Great Hall, common rooms,   hallways, and Headmasters of Hogwarts.

"Hermione, are you ready for tomorrow?" asked her mother in a soft voice.

Tomorrow Hermione was finally going to Hogwarts and her mother was dreading the department of her little Hermione.

"Yes Mum!" exclaimed Hermione, snapping her trunk closed. Everything she would need for Hogwarts was in there. Except her  wand of course. She still had to practice spells.

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