Y/n is lonely until one day while she is scrolling through tinder she see's a guy that is super cute so she wipes right. But what will happen when she reads his bio and he has a kid!
Y/n POV I hear a honk out side and immediately I knew it was Grayson. I walk out side and get in the passenger seat and we start to drive. I wondered what his house looked like, I bet it is real big, I got knocked out of my thoughts when my favorite song came on. "Omg I love this song." Skip to Graysons house "Wow this is your house."
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"Yeah and I was hoping you would come live with me." Grayson said. "I would love too but I have to go get my stuff." I said. No need to I have someone going to get it. Grayson said. "Grayson why are you doing this." I said. "Because I think I love you." He said blushing. "I think I love you too." I say and he smiles and we get out of the car and go in to the house. "I'm home and I brought y/n." Grayson yells. Than I see a guy with a baby in his hands they both look like Grayson. "Y/n this is Ethan my twin brother." Grayson says. "It's nice to meet you." Ethan says. "You too." I say. "And this is Edwin my son." Grayson says. "Can I hold him." I ask "yeah here." Grayson says and hands me Edwin. "Aww your so cute." I say and Edwin starts to smile and giggle. "I think he likes you." Grayson says. "Hey I'm gonna go Emma needs me she's pregnant." Ethan says. "Okay bye." Grayson says. "Hey he fell asleep." I say. "I'll take him to the crib and show you around." He says and I follow him upstairs to Edwin's room. He shows me the house and we go back to our room, "so if you don't mind me asking what happened to his mom?" I say. "She left me with the baby and married a millionaire and then got shot in a robbery." Grayson said. "I'm so sorry." I say. "It's fine." Grayson says. I get up and kiss him and the kiss turns into a make out session. He licks my bottom lip for me to let him in and I do, his hands on my waist and my hands around his neck. It gets even more heated and he takes his shirt off then he pulls mine off and soon we are both in our undergarments. Grayson sends kisses down my neck and I moan softly, he was about to take my bra off when we hear the baby monitor and Grayson gets up to check in Edwin.
I don't know if you guys want smut in the next chapter so if you do let me know so I can write it in advance okay bye. Word count:461