Y/n is lonely until one day while she is scrolling through tinder she see's a guy that is super cute so she wipes right. But what will happen when she reads his bio and he has a kid!
Ezaria's POV I heard the annoying sound of my alarm clock and turned it off. I got up and got ready for the day. (What you're wearing) ⬇️
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Then when I got ready I got in my car and drove to Starbucks. As I drove to Starbucks I get a text from Grayson. Grayson: can't wait for our date tonight😁 Me: yeah me ether, so I saw you had a kid is he coming with us or do you have a babysitter? Grayson: nah he is staying with my brother, so we will be alone.😅 Me: cool gtg talk later bye Grayson:bye✌️ I turn off my phone and order my drink. GRAYSON POV I woke up to the sound of Edwin crying. I go to his room. "Shhh it's okay daddy's here what's wrong." I say quietly. "There's a monster in my woom." I tell him he is fine and there is no monster. I take him down stairs and put him in his high chair while I make breakfast. I was done with breakfast and Edwin ate his breakfast so I decided to text y/n about our date. She asked about Edwin but I told her he would be with Ethan. I pick up Edwin and get him dressed, he's wearing a T-shirt that says daddy's boy and shorts. When I'm done getting him dressed I give him a toy to play with while I get dressed. (What Grayson is wearing) ⬇️
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I have a back pack with all the things Edwin needs and with that I head over to Ethan's. When I get there Emma opens the door, "hey gray hey Edwin come in." Emma's says politely. I give her a hug and so dose Edwin (btw Edwin is 1) i see Ethan come out a room and I give him a hug and tell him that I will pick Edwin up tomorrow. "So I'm gonna go you're gonna stay with uncle e for the rest of the day okay." I say to Edwin. "Otay." Edwin says.