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(More Abilities: Kamui, Tsukyomi, Izanagi/Izanami, Amenoteikara, Linbo Hengoku, and Kotoamatsukami)

Y/N POV[age 8]\

Life is shit. That's all I can say. Most people have a happy childhood. Not me. I may be a child, but I'm smarter than a normal kid. My 'Family' are monsters. They only ones that care about me are my sister's and my real mother Quill. They lie to her saying that I hate her and don't wanna see her. They already took it to far when the Bastard Tai burned my whole entire left arm. My whore of a 'mother' Summer cut my left eye. RAVEN hasn't done anything drastic yet. Once she does I'll make a break for it. I love in the basement where no one else goes. Except for my 'Family' to relive 'stress.' I hate it. This started three years ago.


I was asleep in my bed. Not to mention it was my birthday. I was so happy. I was turning. I woke up and went down stairs. I didn't see any party decorations though. No decorations, no cake, no anybody. I thought they were outside. I went outside and saw them. I was happy. I ran to them and Two walked up to me. I was gonna give him a hug, but that was when he punched me in the face. I was shocked. That's when it all went to hell. They forced Ruby and Yang to beat me. I knew they didn't want to. I still love them. Ever since then I've been Neglected, Abused, Enslaved, and Forgotten.


Ruby and Yang still love me. I want too be with Quill. But I can't. All I want to do is be free. I was in the Basement doing nothing. I had bandages over my left eye. It was the middle of the night. I wish I had a semblance then maybe I could use it to get out of here. But then the door to the basement opened. I looked and saw it was Raven.

Y/N: What do you want? It's the Middle of the Day.

Then she punched me in the face and grabbed me by my neck. She pinned me to the wall.

Raven: Don't ever talk to me like that again you little shit!

Then she slammed me to the ground. I saw her start to undress. I already know where this is going.


She just left me there. My lower waist hurt so much. I looked at her and she was don egetting dressed and she started to walk out.

Y/N: Stupid Bitch

But then she stopped and looked at me

Raven: What did you just say!?

Y/N: Did I stutter. I called you A STUPID BITCH!!

She grabbed me by my throat again, but this time I kneed her stomach and she dropped me. Then I ran out the door and jumped through the window. I just ran, and ran, and ran, and Ran. But then I was slammed to the ground I looked and saw it was Raven again. She looked pissed. She grabbed me by my neck again and dragged me back. I managed to see the rest of the Family outside looking at me with Disgust. Well Ruby and Yang looked worried and Quill wasn't here. Then Raven slammed me into the Tree. Then she Chained me to the tree. She got out her sword and raised. I was so scared. She slashed at me and I tried to.use my arm to block it. It didn't help. She cut off my left arm. I didn't scream. I lost most feelings to Pain a long time ago. I looked and saw Ruby and Yang crying. I just sat their. I looked down and saw my arm. My arm was spewing blood. They all walked inside because Raven said so. A few minutes later Ruby and Yang came out with a Med-Kit. They cleaned and bandaged up my arm. But they were forced to go back inside because of Raven. I lost so much and I was so tired. I passed out.

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