Chapter 26: Four Forces of Color

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Here you go, somehow I got another Chapter completed.

"Go die in a hole, we're out of here," Bakugou dragged Todoroki along, but the mystery boy ran ahead of them.

"My apologies..." The boy in near black pressed a hand to his chest, taking a bow on one knee. Bakugou and Todoroki grew disturbed by how persistent this mystery boy was, and he had no reason to be bothering with them. It only made Todoroki deeply desire that Bakugou never opened his mouth in the first place. "My name is Ark. Scaring people isn't my strong suit... This is," Ark pressed both of his bare hands to the ground where they liquified into a shining silver viscous substance that darted out from his body entrapping both boys by their feet. Todoroki gasped, struggling to free himself while Bakugou cursed trying to snatch the mystery boy but was just out of reach as the substance crawled up their bodies until it caked their entire lower half, hardening like a rock. Escape now a main priority, Bakugou unleashed explosions on himself but the silver substance hadn't made a scratch.

Ark hummed with delight, watching the boys squirm and writhe begging for freedom. Ark removed one hand from the ground, his arm rematerializing and pressing a finger to a device wrapped around his ear. "Zucc, Squall, Terra... I got Katsuki, grab whoever you can and get out."

"I got a girl and a boy with engines for legs," Iida and Momo gasped clutching onto each other hearing a deep sophisticated voice of static that belonged to a male. They couldn't help but stand there in the electrical web of wires as the mystery man with deep blue hair stepped out from behind a broad tree speaking into a device incorporated into his carnivorous mask much similar to Ark's. He wore a deep navy blue suit, black undershirt and pants, the buttons and tie were a bright sparking yellow. Besides his mask, the large coils of wire clinging to his hips were the most notable feature about him. "The girl foolishly tripped on one of my wires and half cooked herself... Talk about stupid right?"

"That only makes your job easier Zucc," another male commented over the same communication line with a bored disinterested sigh.

"Tired of being stuck doing all the hard work Squall?" Zucc cracked off a snicker confusing Iida and Momo even more as to them it looked as if the male was talking to absolutely no one. From his monologues to the over exaggerated gestures like slaps to the knees, bent over laughing, and waving of his lanky arms. "Are your captives giving you hell? C'mon tell me what they're doing!" The man begged of his partner hungry for information.

Squall sighed once more, regretting that he ever commented openly for his group members to hear. But a question can't go unanswered, Squall jumped out of his high standing tree landing on his rink of glittering ice below. Tsu was shivering, rubbing her arms needily for warmth, the ice trapping her feet was too much to bare being a cold blooded amphibian. Being cold didn't stop her though as she had her long plump and stretchy frog tongue wrapped around the trunk of a nearby tree, trying to pull her feet free from the ice while Uraraka joined in with a push and shove to her behind to speed up the process. Squall found this escape attempt... Painful to watch. "The frog girl is trying to escape and the whole process looks... Ridiculous," never has he seen two girls look so stupid in all his life.

"Could be me!" Growled a female on the communication line, fierce with every word spoken. "Muscular fucking ditched me! Tomura tells him to play nice, and all I get is a punch to the ass!!!"

"Wow Terra I wonder why," Zucc snickered, his mind going wild.

"I hear your sarcasm!" Terra snapped back in a blind rage.

"Terra, Zucc, shut up..." Ark rolled his eyes behind his steel mask. "Your arguing gets annoying, you'd think you two would get along better than anyone else."

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