Part one

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              How do I began's not about me its about her.... her life , hmm her story but yet I'm telling it so I figure I should start from the beginning. Her name is Livi Angel Rae valadinã,born August 19, 1995 but she only went by one name Livi Rae. Livi and her mom never had what most people would call a good relationship, I guess in Livi's eyes you can't have a relationship without the help of the other person. Marine Livi's mom just never had the mind set of teaching a child let alone loving one.


           Now Livi's  Dad he on the other hand taught her how be tough, how to fight, how to think not only like a man but also a smart women believe it or not. When Livi Rae  was in 4th grade  her dad was in a major accident not a car or airplane or anything dealing with anyone else. It was with himself on December 21st, 2002 at 12:45pm while Livi Rae was I'm school Joshua Rick Valadinã had been drinking after a heated and intense disagreement with Marine Kayla Valadinã about a shrink coming to aid him in his mentally disfigured thoughts, he then grabbed a gun out of the garage and fought with his thoughts until he broke. Shooting 12 rounds into his sleeping wife and one into his temple as he had finally realized what he had done.

               Livi ended being placed with her grandma.... she was sweet but that's when Livi met Angel her best friend since 4th grade. By 5th grade they had met the new edition to their crazy best friend parallel. His name was Evan he was 5'5 and 132lbs. of pure muscle and protein... so he claimed. Angel was just 3'4 and her and Livi were both gypsies but Livi was 4'8 and growing. Elementary  was a breeze for the three best friends but it was about to get a lot harder when the summer of freshman year crept into their lives especially Livi's.


              "Livi, Livi rae come here" her grandma shouted. "Yes" she said running from her room with her fur ball of  a dog right behind her. "Angel is here" Her grandma smiled as she pointed Angel to Livi. Livi and Angel giggled as they walked to Livi's room talking. Livi's room had black paint on all four walls and her ceiling a midnight blue with an off white galaxy painting on top and a platform queen size bed. Her closet was a walk in with a vintage retro style of clothing spread about it. "Rae we are late it takes a 15mins to walk over there and the game already started" Angel said swinging her feet.  "we'll be fine he's not going to be alone and the game will still be there and plus Evan said he was going to hangout with Ricky and them" Livi smiled at Angel as she brushed her hair. Angel frowned "I don't know how he hangs out with them and they steal and stuff".

                    Livi just stared then grabbed Angel  and said "everything will be fine" but little did she know not everything can always be fine in life.

(Let me know if you like it,  even if you don't I'll still keep writing)


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2014 ⏰

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