Chapter 4

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'Everything went dark.'


*The Joker's POV*

After I knocked the little shit out I looked over too one of my goons and signaled them to pick her up and take her inside. Once I got inside I went to my work space, I might be crazy but I still have to have a tidy space to work, Im not a complete monster. I place the stolen goods from today neatly on my desk and sit down. I didn't know much about this brat so I thought I would do some quick research so I know what Im dealing with. On the desk in front of me was an old computer, I pushed in the ancient on/off button and waited for it to start up. Once it was on, I opened the browser and searched for {y/f/n} (your full name). I was surprised at what I saw. This girl had been locked up in Arkham for so long, I almost felt pity for her. And the work she did on her dear old daddy, quite impressive. I let out a small chuckle under my breath and got up out of my chair to go and see if the boys had finished tying little {Y/N} up.  "What in gods name?!" I whispered in confusion as I opened the door to the dark room and looked at the floor to see trails of blood and flesh. I followed the sight with my eyes to eventually find what was left of the two brutish men. My eyes then darted over to the now cannibalistic woman sitting with one leg over the other on a chair in the middle of the room, cackling.

*Your POV*

I gowned as I woke up. I could feel myself swaying as I quickly realised I was being carried over someones shoulder, well shit. I kept my eyes open just enough that I could see where we were going and try to make it look like Im still asleep. They take me into a semi lit room and place me on a chair. "You got the rope?" I hear the man who carried me here say, there must be two of them. "Yeah, here." I hear the other one say. I quickly think of a plan. The only thing I really have to use here is myself, and maybe that rope. 'Ok!' I think to myself, 'Lets do this!' I quickly take a deep breath and look up, a sly grin plastered on my face, "Hello boys." The words roll off my tongue almost sexually but with a sinister undertone. They both turn to look at me within a second after I speak and before they know it I've lunged myself at the goon holding the rope, ripping his throat out with my teeth as I claw at his flesh with my nails while he struggles. I hear the other one coming to wards me so I release my grip on the large brute and push him to the floor quickly grabbing the rope, "Man, what a RUSH!" I chuckle as I smoothly rap the rope around number twos neck spinning him around and pulling  him down to my level, chocking him to death.

I stand back and look at the two bodies on the floor, "That ended too quickly." I sigh. Suddenly, I spot a crowbar leaning against the wall, one of the goons must have left it there when they came in. I skip over to it with an evil grin and pick it up. Spinning around, I walk back over to the bodies and have some fun. When I'm finished I stand back and look at my work of art, smiling.

Suddenly I hear footsteps coming towards the room. I calmly walk over to the chair I was about to be tied up to and sit down a sickening smile plastered on my face. Betcha didn't see that one coming Joker!

I watch The Joker scan the room from the doorway. He slowly follows the trail of remains until he spots the bodies and I chuckle as his face slowly pans up to meet with mine. I keep laughing as I see the look of shock on his face but I soon stop once I see him start laughing along, more hysterically than me. "You surprised me {Y/N}. I admire that." He says genuinely as he calms down. I look at him confused. I don't know how to feel about what he said, or the way he said it. A few more seconds of silence pass until Joker starts walking towards me with a sincere, but psychotic smile, "Here,..." He offers me his hand and for some reason I take it and stand up, "...Lets get you cleaned up." 

We exit the Theatre though a back door and Joker takes me to another run down building that looks more like an apartment building that isn't too far away. Though it looks run down from the outside it actually looked really nice on the inside. He takes me to a large room a few floors up and sits me on a bed, "Wait there." He sighs and walks off. Moments later and he comes back with a towel and some fresh clothes, I don't know where he got them from but its kind of sweet. He hands them to me, "The bathrooms over there, I get that the circumstances have changed since earlier but just get cleaned up and get some rest. We'll talk in the morning." I nod. I dont think my confused face has changed since he found me and started saying how he admires me. I think long and hard about how strange this day has been as I take a shower.

Once I got clean and dressed, I got into the large bed Joker had left me with and took a deep breath, "What the fuck even happened today?!"

Wow, I've uploaded twice in one week! ITS A MIRACLE! XD  I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I didnt actually expect this to go quite like it did but my mind works in mysterious ways. I'll get started on the next chapter now, SEE YOU SOON!!!

Im not a freak! Joker x reader {A Batman Fan-fic}Where stories live. Discover now