Teddy Bear

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Cute little teddy bear. The one that Lukas bought for Damian a few years ago. Damian still hasn't had a chance to confess to Lukas ever since he overcame his fear of riding boats.

They'd be graduating soon, and Lukas would be back in 2 more months. "I'll give you good things once I come back," Lukas had promised once again, though, never specifiying what 'things' he'd buy until he actually handed the present over. Even though Lukas bought him gifts, Damian kept the teddy bear with him everywhere.

Why? The teddy bear reminded him of how he first fell in love with Lukas. Call it cheesy, but it really was love at first sight. Damian sighed. There was still a long wait until Lukas came back. "I hope he's safe," he'd speak to the teddy bear as he hugged it closer to his chest from his lying position on the bed.

"Aww, looks like you really miss your lovey dovey boyfriend, huh? I never knew you were this attracted to him. I bet you want to touch his-" Reino, Luka's companion, suddenly interrupted Damian's alone time with his teddy bear. Ever since Damian had been able to understand what Reino said (due to Luka's necklace), Reino had annoyed him nonstop. Luckily, Damian cut off Reino's sentence, a light blush on his face.

"No, no, no! It's not what you think!" He denied the sentence vehemently, his expression changing once he saw Reino at the window. "Oh. It's you. What're you doing here?" His disinterest showed in his tone.

"I'm just checking by to see whether you miss your boyfriend," Reino emphasized the word, letting it hang in the air with all it's implications, before laughing at Damian's embarrassed blush, though, noting that the male hadn't denied it.
"Heh. He sent a letter to you." The letter Reino spoke of was tied to his leg. With skillful dexterity, the crow untied the string binding the letter to his leg, and gripped onto it with his beak. Good thing he reacted so quickly, else it might have fallen into the ocean.

Setting his teddy bear down, Damian sat up, got off the bed and approached the window sill Reino was resting on expectantly. Taking the letter, the male unfolded it, eyes scanning over the words.

Dear Damian,

I know it's only been a few months since we last met, but I hope you're doing okay. I've been helping some orphans from my old orphanage. Oh, and I'm staying at my grandparents' home so please don't worry about me finding a place to stay. I sent Reino so he can accompany you while I'm away...I hope he doesn't annoy you too much, please take care of him so he can take care of you. If you'd like to send me a letter, the boat will be coming in two weeks, so you can give it to the man at the hut on the docks. I have the address so he'll know. Andrew Villa Island,

Anderson Street 1, House no. 26

Sorry to bother you if you're busy, I hope I can get more updates from you.
Your friend, Lukas.

"Aw man, he should have written 'boyfriend'", Reino said with faux disappointment in his tone.

Damian seems to be upset at the word 'friend.' "Am I just a friend to him..?" He'd ask, expression changing as he looked up at Reinos, a frown tugging at the edges of his lips.

"I don't know, why're you asking me?" Reino made an effort to shrug, stretching out his wings to the fullest of their wingspan.

"You've known Lukas longer than me! How could you not know?" Damian retorted, seeming more upset by the minute.

"...So? He doesn't open up to me that much, he mostly keeps it to himself." Reino replied, seeming annoyed by the sudden accusing tone. "Besides, don't worry about it. He'll just open up to you since you're a person who can understand and speak," Reino explained.

The 'eventually' muttered afterwards went unheard. Damian thought about it, nodding. It was true...Lukas really opened up to him more than Reino.

"You should confess to Lukas. He seems to be attracted to you too, and you're more than just a friend." The bird suggested after a moments silence.

Shaking his head with a sigh, he once again denied. "Nah, I don't think he's in love with me."

"Just write the letter to Lukas."

"Hell no," Damian disagreed.

"Hell yes," Reino tried to convince Damian otherwise.

"No. Hell no, I'm not writing the letter to him." Damian still insisted otherwise.

Narrowing his eyes into a glare, Reino spoke once more. "Write it, or else I'll have to annoy you a lot for the rest of your live, even in class...Period."

"...Goddamnit, fine, I'll write the letter to Lukas about how I feel about him." Damian finally agreed.

"Good. Now go to sleep and dream about your boyfriend. It's midnight and you have classes tomorrow." The raven ordered.

"Screw classes." Damian groaned, reluctantly lying back down.

"Well, goodluck on failing your exams and not graduating with your boyfriend," the avian teased.

"Fuck you, man." Damian insulted in turn as he covered himself with his blanket, clutching onto the teddy bear once more. He agreed with the suggestion nonetheless. "Night, I guess," he mumbled, eyes fluttering close as he drifted into the realm of sleep, and dreams about Lukas.

Reino flew out of the dorm, headng to the pond.


Author's Note

A big thanks to Corvus/Cris for fixing and changing it! It looks more better now, thank you so much!

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