30| Will You Be My Girlfriend

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Hey! Thank you guys for the reads. I hope you all are enjoying the book. Sorry I haven't updated in a couple of days. I've been writing a new book. If you want to check it out, I will put through this book when it's published. It's kinda like a fan fiction about Z Nation. But I've like changed the story line a bit. It's kinda just a huge mix between a bunch of zombie apocalypse shows to make one awesome one. I wanted to write it mostly because I fucking loved Z Nation season 1 - 3. But season four just got weird and nothing makes sense so I stopped watching out of dissatisfaction. So I decided to write out my own ending. Anyways. Sorry for rambling. Enjoy :)

Suggested Song: Safe & Sound (Hunger Games) by Taylor Swift

Carmen's POV

A strong person, can overcome, and beat their enemies. An even stronger person, can find peace with the ones they hate.

I had made peace with Will.

And though we still fought about things, and a lot of nights would involve bickering and snarky comments, I felt like most mornings, I could wake up happy.

Happy with who I am.

I'll have my days. Just like everybody else.

Some days, I could break Will. We could talk, be friendly, and even hang out like friends.

But other days, everyone else would leave the apartment as Will and I have a screaming fiasco.

Will had questioned several times why I had gone to that abandoned building that night. But I had just ignored him and changed the subject. That had even been the cause of some of our fights.

I had so many secrets that I wish I could tell Will, but I couldn't.

And Will wasn't dumb, he knew that.

He had begged a lot lately for me to just tell him the truth.

But I wasn't sure how.

I wanted to tell Will my past. I wanted to explain it to him so someone would know. But I just couldn't.

Maybe if the right moment came, I could.

But for now it seemed like that moment would never appear.

I walked out into the main area and sat on the couch next to George, the couch dipped when I made contact.

"Hey Carmen" George smiles tiredly at me.

I assumed he was tired from the night before. I could hear him and Will yelling at a camera for a vid until midnight last night.

"Hey dude" I reply, almost just as tired.

I focus my attention to TV again.

My eyes burn slightly as the pictures move in bright light patterns.

I suddenly feel two hands weigh down on my shoulders. I turn around to see Will leaning in closely to my face.

"What are you doing?" I ask bluntly as I turn back around

"Nothing love. Just wondering... Have you seen the comments on yours and my videos are the moment?" He asks. His accent breaking through strongly.



All lies

I had seen them. Everytime I post a group of teenage girls comment that we should collab, Will and I.

"Well. They are going crazy at the moment. Asking me to do a vid with ya. I guess they saw you in the background of one of my vids once or something. You wanna film together?"

"Yeah. I guess I could do with the ad rev" I agree

"Cool. What do you wanna do like?"

"I don't know honestly. It's up to you" I smiled slightly.

Will seemed shocked. Like he wasn't sure how to respond. He just looked down then awkwardly smiled back.

"Ok. I'll let you know then like"

My phone buzzed in my hands as I pulled it up to my face to check.

My phone buzzed in my hands as I pulled it up to my face to check

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I sat and thought about how I hoped it was nothing bad.

I'm sure it wasnt.

*1 hour later*

I opened the door to reveal Eli. I smiled as he walked in and hugged me.

I heard Will scoff in the kitchen from behind me. I wasn't sure whether it was at me or something else.

I held Eli's hand and led him into the main area.

"Who's this, like?" Will asked as he glared slightly

"This is Eli" I responded staring at him.

He smiled and kissed my cheek.

I paused and watched him closely. My cheeks heated up vigorously.

My heart was going to explode.

I touched the spot he left a kiss on and I felt my eyes sparkle.

"W-what... Was th-that for?" I ask embarrassingly

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about" he responded

Will sat and glared at us both. He was not happy about what was going on. I didn't know why honestly.

"I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?" He cheekily carried on

Will choked back an angry comment as he stood up abruptly, slamming his hands on the counter of the bench, catching both of our attention.

I jumped slightly at the sudden outburst, but quickly frown in his direction.

"What's up with you?!" I say, gritting my teeth in an agitated state.

Will walks up and grabs my arm firmly.

"A word?!" He mutters and walks off with me before I can even respond.

He spins my into his room and presses me up against his bedroom wall in an interrogating manner.

"What Will?! What is so god damn important?!"

The Ones That Are Broken // WillneWhere stories live. Discover now