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I went back to the uni 2 days earlier so I'm at the share house alone. Donghun was still in his hometown spending time with his family. I always came earlier to pack my things up before class started. Plus, I can tidy and clean up our house since Donghun rarely does it until I told him to do some. Ugh, that brat just sleep all day during weekend.
I was watching TV when my phone rang. My lazy self have to get up and pick it up on the table so it rang few times before it was answered. The name Donghun appeared on the screen.

Hey bro! You're at our home now?

Yeah, why?

I need to tell you something


Someone wants to stay at our home for awhile. About a month. The person agreed to share the rent during the stay too. So what do you say?

Come on, we only have 2 rooms?!

The person was so desperate to find a place that sh- I mean, he is willing to sleep on the couch.

Are you sure?

Yeah.. he's so desperate that's why.

Then if you say so I guess I'm fine..?

Oh yeah great! Thanks bro. I'll bring the person tomorrow with me.

A new person staying with us? Urghh looks like I had to bear letting my bangs down at home too. Thankfully it's just for a month.

I didn't realize I watched TV for hours. It's already midnight so I went to sleep hoping for a great one last day tomorrow before class started the day afterwards.

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