There was a loud ear wrenching buzz then nothing. I found myself in a create-a-character bubble above the city of beginnings, upon checking my hud for the time and date it dawned on me that the Alpha testers should have been just logged out. Concerned I scanned myself, the scan read blank data but that couldn't be right, being conscious and cognitive clearly ment otherwise; blank data wouldn't be either, however my hud seamed to agree with this thought process which would explain the character bubble.
Calming myself down I focus on my surroundings. "Wait, I can sense other players? No there wouldn't be any on right now. Maybe there's others like me? I guess we wouldn't be called players though... A data player maybe?"I hover to the edge of my bubble and peer out, though it's blurry other bubbles can be seen. Out of a few of said bubbles data players could be seen floating to the ground. As the first one lands and take their first few steps they're scanned with a green beam by the system, likely to test if they're using hacking software though being the game was going into beta soon that would be impossible, or so I thought. As the system scanned the beam turned red showing the data player to be hacker positive. The player took a step back frantic but had no chance to flee before they were zapped and blocked from the system. As the others joined the deleted one on the ground they too would get negative scans causing their demise, what was the chances of so many hackers at once joining? It was likely they were in the same position I was. Realising this my face became riddled with horror... or it would if I had one that is. After all the player scanner just demolished so many like me, that could've BEEN me!
I return to the center of my bubble, and began to think. The player scanners seamed to think data players were accounts that hacked, if we left the bubbles like this we'd be deleted. Glancing up one could see their hud tag above their head, my head tilted confused as this wasn't supposed to be seen by it's owner but by others. This was likely how the system knew who to scan. "is it possible to change the hud tag?" I'd ask myself out loud.
Suddenly the tag floated down in front of me causing startling me. I attempt to back up although it was attached to my data so it followed. Had I said a command word? Touching the [player] label on the tag brought down a list of different mob types. "player, quest npc, basic npc, passive beast and aggressive beast.. Hum."
The system wouldn't need to scan data it thought it made so any of the others would be a safe choice, but the question was which one? Currently as a [player] I'd get killed, an [npc] might get turned into a [quest npc] down the road so it'll scan me then, if I started as a [quest npc] I'd need a quest... And things I could offer.
Opening my hud and selecting [inventory] I was surprised to see I actually had a few things, surely normal player characters weren't supposed to start with all this! There was
[x1 enchanted bow]
[x3 hide]
[x1 companion summon]
[2000 gold]"weird..." I thought out loud.
There were things to offer but I had no quest so a beast was probably the best choice. Passive was probably the safest choice as people were likely to ignore me then so that's what I selected. Upon doing so my hud tag completely changed, the font became more plain and the color switched to a dull brown rather than a light blue. A new section was added as well, [Tameable?] It was currently blank though if the system had seen it like that it would likely think it was an error and try to edit me so I selected it, giving me the options [yes] or [no]. Obviously no. With my hud tag changed I gently shoved it up to where it normally sat. "alright now what should I be?" I'd ask as I began to create my beast character.A large lump of what appeared to be smooth white clay appeared as I spoke taking up a good amount of room in the small bubble. "I guess this is my modeling clay." I'd chuckle at my sad art joke.
Argonia Online
FantasyA alpha tester stuck in a game has no recollection of who they are in the real world and is forced to live in the game. After taking shape and the name Claire she soon finds that only the alpha testers are stuck, how will she react? Will she find a...