AMI: RED: 'Last Night' Kiva's POV

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RED: Restricted: NSFW
Kiva's POV

  I watched him as he moved around below. He was working. I leaned against the railing, his club busy below. The twin staircases in the corners led to the busy dance floor. He bustled around, taking orders, moving through the crowd with a tray full of drinks. His hair was pulled back, fastened behind him in a ponytail. I watched him as he slid through his club effortlessly avoiding being bumped into. He'd smile at the girls that flirted with him. I slid down the stairway, keeping an eye on him. He was normal, his actions the same as a moment before, he hadn't noticed me. I slid up to him as he slid from his table, his tray empty. His eyes lit up, he hesitated for a moment, clearly surprised. I sid my hand into his tie, clenching the fabric between my fingers. I avoided looking at him as I slid the fabric a little tighter.

"Kiva?" He went, eyeing me.

I tensed for a moment, then clenched his tie tighter and turned away, hiding myself from his gaze.

"Hey, Wait!" He tried, shuffling behind me.

Another waiter paused and stared, being handed the tray Riku was holding. I glared at the people who were in my path and they avoided me. Riku's hand tugged at the tie, but dared not touch me. I slid with him to the back rooms, behind the bar. I slid him inside, pausing, leaving the lights off. He struggled with the tie, trying not to rub the silky plaid. I shifted against him, feeling his warmth. Although he was a waiter, he didn't even have a hint of alcohol on him. Instead, he smelled raw and musky, he had been working all day.

"Kiva?" He asked, his voice tense.

"Hush." I hissed at him, sliding my fingers on the tie.

"Don't-" He started, I shifted him against the door, taking away his tie. "Don't mess that tie up."

"Why not?" I asked, taking the tie down his chest, noting how tense he was.

"I like that tie." He said, I fished out his hands and tugged them behind him, twisting the tie around his wrists, letting enough room for his waist to fit between the knots.

"Good, that means you won't break it." I said, sliding myself back into him, feeling his warmth. "Although, you could just make a new one."

"It's not the same." He whispered, his tone different than before.

I clenched my jaw at him and shifted my knee between his. I slid my hands up along his arms, touching the skin for a moment at his wrists. I pressed against him, wrapping my arms around his neck, feeling all of him against me.

"K-kiva, this.." He went, i felt him go rigid beneath me.


"I-" He tried, my lips brushing his.

I slid my lips into his, frustrated with him, my hand slid into the hair at the back of his head, holding him. His lips were tender, but firm, and he didn't kiss back. I could feel him struggling with the tie. I slid back, eyeing him, trying not to glare. I wanted him, but he seemed to not want any part me. I noted his unease and loosened, letting my arms rest on his shoulders. My fingers brushed against the soft sensitive hairs at the back of his neck. His hair was loose from my handling. He started to shift again, so I slid close, diving my lips into his again. He waited as I kissed, softly this time, holding back. I shifted my fingers against his neck, feeling his body heat, despite his firm patience with me. I dipped down, taking his bottom lip in my mouth, tasting him. He didn't budge, but he heated a lot more. I tried not to smile, gently tugging on his lip in my mouth. He tensed a little, obviously surprised, my hand shifted into the mass of sensitive hair at his neck. He tensed more, pressing to me, he groaned softly at me. He throbbed against my leg. I shifted it against him, releasing his lip and diving into his lips again.

I probed softly, tenderly, I knew he would have to respond somehow. I softly felt his tension die down, his lips tender. I kissed softly, hesitating, unsure I was even kissing right. His lips shifted against mine, I tensed, surprised, hand clenching into his hair again. I relaxed, parting my lips softly, brushing my tongue against his lip. He hesitated, tugging at the tie again. I slid away, looking aside, breathing heated. He huffed a little against my ear, his breath ragged.

I slid my leg against him, feeling just how aroused he was. I could smell him more now, sliding my lips over his cheek, down into his neck. My hand tangled in the other side, which left my sensitive side open to him, but I new he wouldn't take it. I slid my other hand down him, taking off part of his uniform, glad I wore heels. I was not tall enough to stretch into his neck like this for so long. He tensed again, trying to catch his breath. I bit at his neck, he shivered softly and throbbed again, i shifted my leg against him again. He breathed roughly at me and I slid my fingers to the soft skin between his shirt and his pants, preparing for my next step.

"K-kiva pplease, I have work." He went, I ignored him, his neck soft under my lips.

He shuddered under my fangs as i slid them against him, I gripped his hip, holding him still.

"Kiva." He said, his voice angered, his breath was still rough. "I have work."

I slid back, clenching my jaw. I slid my hand from his hair, avoiding clenching into him. I slid back, taking the tie with me. I huffed roughly as I sat at the booth.

"Fine." I went, toying with the tie in my hands, eyeing him. "Then I want drinks, anything will do."

"No." He said, I looked him over, he rubbed his wrists, perhaps I was to rough. "I'm going to work, get someone else to do it."

"No. You know the drinks I like." I insisted, crossing my legs and voiding the room. "If you're not going to listen, then I'm going to drink. If I cant drink and you cant listen, then we have a problem."

I was tense, the fabric in my hands far to tender for me to be holding onto right now, so I returned it to him, avoiding his touch.

"Kiva, look, I have work." He started, eyes on his tie as he began smoothing it out. "And you know how you are when you drink, I wont let you drink alone, and I don't drink."

"How about you get me a drink since you're so damn eager to work at your own damn club." I hissed, clenching my jaw, staying sitting, eyeing him.

"Why do you want me so bad?" He asked, then sighed, tensing a little. "And alcohol."

I eyed him, looking him over. I sighed, standing, sliding close to him. This was a dumb idea and I should have just stayed home. I could feel him tense, almost stepping back, he was afraid.

"I'm tired of being alone. I was alone there, I'm alone here, I woke up alone." I explained, angry with myself. "I want you near me, as close as possible. I don't like feeling this.. this.."

I growled, unable to hold back anymore, I stopped and sighed, moving the hair from my face. I figured I should just go home, this was enough for now, I should be fine. I let the room go back in place, unvoiding it. I slid to him, and he shifted into the wall again. I gripped his shirt, tugging him close. I kissed him, softly, he didn't back off, but he didn't kiss either. I slid out the door, going past him.

"Wait!" He yelled, I hesitated, out in the hallway. "Please, I.. just come back for a moment."

"Still a little choked up?" I asked, still slightly irritated, the door slid shut behind me as I came back in. "What is it you wanted?"

"I don't want you alone tonight, not when you're like this." He replied, casually, I looked him over, unsure what exactly that meant. "Why do you want me so bad?"

"Like I said, I'm tired of feeling so alone, vacant in that way, empty aching." I said softly, sliding close to him, he stayed still, not afraid I assumed.

"Why do you want me like this?" He asked, close enough to whisper, I pressed against him, allowing myself to relax a little.

"I want to be close to you, even like this." I whispered, wrapping my arms around him again. "If you'll let me."

I slid my lips to his again, holding him in place. His fingers smoothed the shirt at my back and held my waist, tugging me closer to him as he kissed back. He clenched my hip and I froze a moment before kissing more. He slowly kissed rougher, tugging me close, sliding his arms around me. I pressed into him, tensing as he slid back a little. His nose brushed my cheek as he slid down into my hair. His lips slid to my earlobe and I breathed roughly at him, feeling my body quiver slightly.

The door thudded at me and I jolted, my hands floundered at my side for a moment, reaching for my sword that wasn't there. My breath was rough and uneven and I felt panicked and rushed. I straightened, looking to Riku to see him eyeing me, his clothes tousled, his hair still slightly loose.

"Let's go to my apartment." He said softly, his eyes looking me over. "Less interruptions."

"Yes, let's." I replied, pretending I wasn't as red as I was.

He reached out for me so I slid my hand to his, unsure of such a casual touch from him. He tugged me from the room, looking both ways down the hallway before leading me to the back entrance. His car sat in the reserved spot, and beeped and flashed at him as he neared it. We parted and sat in our respective seats, avoiding looking at each other. He immediately backed out and started on his way. It was rough to sit down, my pants hot and moist, I ached to be out of them. As if sensing my unease, Riku drove faster. I stared out my window, forcing myself to calm down, to not be so rough with him.

After he parked in the parking garage, he opened my door and led me to the elevator. I waited next to him as the elevator made its ascent. I eyed him, his shirt, although loose, I could see the muscle underneath it. I touched him softly, sliding my hand up his arm. I squeezed him, feeling how firm his muscles were. I slid my hand down a little, tracking the tendon, feeling him. He was here, I could touch him, feel him, if he let me.

"Hmm?" He went, I squeezed him a little, slightly surprised.

"You're muscular." I responded, sliding my hand back up, twords his shoulder, fingers noting the tense muscles.

"I thought you knew that?" He replied, I looked up at him and he looked away, reddening slightly.

I clenched my jaw at him, trying not to growl.

"I had forgotten." I said, my tone not soft at all, he sighed at me. "Well, You've changed on and off over the countless years, so I am used to the different yous."

"Different mes?" He asked, I shifted a little, the elevator was taking to long.

"Hair styles, attitudes, different builds." I explained, smiling at the memories. "I've studied you for the past few years you know."

"And?" Was his response, he was still looking away from me.

"I like each and every part of you I've found." I said softly, still so close to him, barely touching. "All of you."

He swallowed softly and when I looked up, he shifted his face away. I smiled a little at him.

"What?" I asked as he slid his hand to his face.

"You just..." He went, flustered, then sighed. "You're cute."

"Ok, I know it's been a while since I was cute, but why are you so damn red?" I asked, sliding closer to him, he edged into the corner of the elevator.

I eyed him, searching him. He tried not to stare at me, but watched as I slid into his chest again. I nuzzled him, edging into his neck. His breath rushed out of him and I slid my nose against him.

"K-kiva-" He started, but the elevator dinged.

I slid back, feeling somewhat better, more at ease. I knew he couldn't get away now.

We exited the elevator and he adjusted his clothes, unlocking the door for me. He clicked the lights on in the living room and I hesitated. He stared at me for a moment as I wondered what I wanted, holding the door for me.

"What?" He asked, smiling at me, his eyes light. "I don't bite."

"Even if I want you to?" I asked, smirking at him, sliding to him in the doorway, brushing past him as I entered.

"How am I supposed to know what you want if you don't tell me?" He replied, looking me over as he locked the door.

"Oh, I could think of a few ways." I said, eyeing him, challenging him. "I could teach you, if you like?"

"I'd rather play it by ear." He replied, turning back to me, his eyes bright, heated.

I felt my legs ache from the pants and eyed him a little. For a moment, I was unsure if I wanted to be here, now that I had him I wasn't sure if I needed him like that. But I didn't want to turn away now. And I definitely didn't want to talk. He seemed to notice, sliding his shoes off, then his socks. I watched him a moment before sliding off to his kitchen, leaving the light off, my shoes long gone. I slid a glass out of his cabinet and turned to look for his alcohol.

"I don't think that's what you want tonight." He said, eyeing me. "Unless you want to just talk."

I eyed him, then the glass for a moment, everything inside me ached and was rough. Not just in a painful way, but I was angry, I was mad. I looked back to Riku, who seemed to notice how I felt, he softly slid my cup from me and when he thought I was going to protest, he kissed me. Softly at first, but then I realized I was edging away, my butt pressed against the counter. His hands pressed against my hips, holding me in place. I heated, wanting, I needed him. I ached inside, hollow this time, his touch, although familiar, was so new to me. I missed him.

I kissed back, roughly, sliding my hands up around him, holding him down to me. He slid me back from the counter and held me to him, slightly leaning down into me. His tongue touched my lip and I savored it for a moment before slowly, teasingly parting my lips. He kissed roughly for a moment before sliding away. His breath was rough and uneven.

"You tease me, tell me you want me, and then tease me again, how am I supposed to give you what you want if you tease me when I try?" He asked, eyeing me, I smiled at him a moment.

"You ask a lot more questions than you used to." I replied, sliding my hands down him, undoing his shirt. "I like how you are when you're teased."

"Well, you're doing a damn good job at that." He huffed at me, I softly slid his shirt away, marveling at him.

My heart pounded at me, the sheer feeling of it in my chest, although fleeting, made me feel so much better, so much less angry, less rough.

"Kiva?" Riku asked, I looked up to him, his tone soft.

"Hush." I replied, sliding back into him, hungry, my pants ached, I wanted out of them.

I wanted him to touch me. I wanted to know how he felt. When I kissed him again, I was rough, sliding my hands over his skin, one down his chest, the other clutched the back of his head, pressing him close. I undid the button on his pants and he gasped against my lips. He felt the counter behind him and pressed back against me, twisting slightly, out into the living room. I tugged onto his pants again, edging the zipper open, leading him to the bedroom, parting the heated moist kiss as I slid back.
He caught up with me and pressed me hard against the door. His tongue was rough, as was mine. I accidentally cut my tongue on my fangs as they began to ache.

"R-Riku I-" I started as I slid back, he immediately gave me his neck, his hands at my hips, mine pressed to his chest.

I didn't want to argue, I hadn't bitten anything other than fruits. When I bit him, he tensed roughly against me, my legs against his arousal. He gasped at first, then let out a tender groan. My heart raced at him more and I slid back, taking no blood, but my fangs were soothed. I breathed roughly against his neck and my nose rubbed his ear for a moment.
I hesitated, his breathing rough against my neck. I slid my lips around his earlobe and he pressed me against the door more, my pants were stifling.

"P-pants." I hissed softly, but the door gave way behind me, he held me there.

His bright teal eyes looked me over, his face was red, the tiny bite on his neck wasn't bleeding, but it looked rough. I shifted my legs softly, the pants chafing. I went to slide my hands down, but his hands tugged my pants open. I started to speak, to say I could remove my own pants, but his mouth was on mine again, for a moment, and then, his fingers were sliding against my skin, my shirt tossed somewhere else. He slid down me, I felt glass at my back as I pressed to the window.

I breathed his name roughly as he slid my pants away as fast as he could. I eyed him roughly as he slid back, his face tense. He parted his lips to say something, so I slid into him, edging him twords the bed, my hands sliding to his loosened pants. My mouth was rough on his, he shuffled back and we went a little to far, there was a clatter as I had pressed him to the nightstand. I slid his pants off, fingers edging around his skin, I looked up at him from where I was for a moment, he was eyeing me, his expression to soft for tonight. I felt that pit inside me get angry again, but I forced it aside as I stood.

He looked like he was going to say something so I twisted him into the bed, sliding on top of him. He immediately reddened,his hair officially loose. I savored the way he looked, sliding on top of his waist, feeling him. I sat up, sliding my hands to my bra, fumbling with it for a moment as I was to heated. He sat up, adjusting himself under me, his torso pressed to mine, I rested on him. His lips slid against my collar bone for a moment, edging into my neck. My breath came out in a rush and I shivered against him, his fingers sliding open my bra, smoothing out the skin. I tensed softly, shivering again, my legs clenched at his hips and he gently bit my neck. I let out a groan and breathed roughly and very unevenly at him. He slid back, my bra gone. I eyed him roughly, his expression was still soft. I clenched my jaw softly.

I kissed him, roughly, pressing him into the bed, his legs still slightly off. There was a chill in the air and I wanted his warmth.

My tongue slid through his lips, not asking for passage this time, my hands started to slide his up, but he rolled. The lamp on the bedside counter clattered to the floor and broke. He sighed roughly at me, on top now, sliding his legs onto the bed. He remained between my thighs. He leaned over me, ignoring my hands as they touched him. He slid the blankets down, and in one slightly uneven swoop, we were under the blankets. Albeit a little tangled. I rolled again, sliding on top again, this time I edged under the covers. He tensed as I slid his underwear away.

"K-kiva?" He went, rough, tense.

I softly gave his arousal a gentle lick and he let out a wholly unexpected groan. My everything clenched at him, my nervousness spiked, but I continued.
I gave him tender licks, tasting him, feeling him. it was warm  under the blankets, and he was hard and hot in my mouth as I took him. He was breathing roughly, unevenly. His body was hot and rough as I returned to him. His eyes slid over me, roughly, darting everywhere. I was unsure if he noticed I was there or not, but, after a moment, he had me.

I was on my back, his body over me, everything was hot. His hand slid down my chest, his fingers giving a not so soft pinch at my nipple as his slid his hand to my now drowned panties. He took them away with ease, not sliding under the blankets, but tugging my legs up, resting my knees up against his sides.
His fingers slid over me first, drawing out the excess moisture from my arousal. I think I made a noise at him, everything was heated.

He slid his arousal into mine, sliding in quite roughly. I made a soft noise at him again and I felt his arousal throb. I breathed roughly as he let out a groan against my neck.
He was rough with me, I had teased far to much. He bit when he needed to, as did I.
When he grew close, his thrusting rough, ready. I twisted, sliding him onto his back, sliding on top again, and, without missing a moment, I continued his pattern, although, sliding on him, riding him. I could take him deeper, edging him closer to his finish.

He groaned roughly, his hands gripping my hips. He thrusted against me and I pressed down hard, feeling myself throb all around him. I breathed roughly for a moment, everything tense and tingly. And then, I came, groaning roughly at him as my insides clenched hard, milking the rest of him, earning a few new noises from him.

And then, I was off of him and in his shower. He laid there a while as I washed off. I returned to the bed as he went in, he had shifted the sheets off the bed and put fresh panties for me on the nightstand. The lamp was bent, but sat up still.
I slid my clothes back on and slid into the bed, my legs numb. He returned to the bed, laying on his side. The heater kicked on and I realized it was raining outside. I yawned softly at him and cuddled into the blankets, tugging them around me as I let myself sleep.

Author's Note:
Im curious to what anyone thinks about this scenario between these two characters and if they would like to see more, and from whom. I have plenty of other works I intend to share as well.
(If I was any good at art you'd be getting tons of that too).

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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