6. Out For Coffee

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3rd person POV (Violets)

It was a crisp Saturday morning in the little neighborhood Violet was in. The air was cold and chilly. Luckily she had a coat on to keep her warm.

She was out just strolling around and looking at the little things on the sidewalk here and there.

She saw a little coffee shop that was open just down the street from her. It looked nice, not too big and not too small.

She walked into it and the heat from inside absorbed around her. It was a nice coffee shop, it had little seating areas where you can rest and use the internet.

Violet went up to the counter and looked at the menu to see what she wants. She looked around it until she finally found something.

A woman came up to the counter. She looked like she was in her 40's maybe early 50's.

"Hello Dear, how may I help you?" She asked.

"Hello, uhm can I get a mocha frappe with extra mocha please?"

The woman nodded and started to mess with the computer in front of her.

"That will be $11.23" she says.

Violet pulled out her wallet and got the money out. She handed it to the woman and she took it.

"Your drink will be out in a minute" the woman said.

"Thank you" Violet said and walked over to a seating area in the corner. She sat down on a couch and pulled out her phone.

She looked at her phone and saw she had a missed call from Louis. Her best friend.

She clicked on his contact number and called him back.

"Hello there Vi" he says.

"Hey Louis, did you call me?"

"Yeah, I did, I was wondering if you could pick me up a coffee too" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm in the middle of getting mine right now, after I finish mine, I'll get you one, just text me what you want"

"I will, are you coming to my house tonight to hangout with everyone? The parties gonna be awesome" he says.

"I might, I still have to do that project that Mr.Johnson assigned for the class"

"I can help you out with it, I have it finished, all you have to do is come tonight" he says.

"Fine, but I'm only coming for the project okay?"

"Deal, I promise to help you" he says.

"Okay good, I'll see you tonight"

"Bye best friend"

"See ya"

Violet put her phone down and leaned back in the chair.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, her frappe was done.

The waitress came out and walked over to violet while holding her drink.

"Here you go ma'ma" the waitress said.

Violet was on her phone still. She clicked off her phone and put it in her pocket.

She looked up and froze. She thought she was looking at heaven when she looked at the waitress.

She had brown hair and golden brown eyes. Her skin was dark and looked really smooth. She had her hair up in a little side ponytail that hung out of the back of her hat.

"Oh uhm hey, thank you" violet took the drink out of the girls hand. "Sorry about that"

The girl smiled. "It's fine, would you like some napkins or anything?" She asked.

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