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Let's get straight to the point, 

Your escape will be soon. As you know Hoseok has a cousin that works as a guard. He is transferring to your jail right now and will tell you all you need to know. Don't worry about anything else. Give his cousin time to figure out the best time to get you out of there.


P.S all the members are safe. They all thank you for saving them and turning yourself in. I'm not sure if it was because you thought it was the best choice or because you knew we would get you back. Either way, they and I thank you.
Also, the boy is quite good looking, where'd you find him? Jin seemed positive that he would get this message to you, let's hope he's right.


It's been a whole month and nothing has happened so far. Taehyung kept reading the letter, hoping to find a secret code in it, but nothing showed up. 

It was just a letter. 

He did end up meeting up with the Warden once more. Taehyung guessed Jungkook had no idea his dad kept coming back. Speaking of which, weeks after receiving the letter, the older did tell Jungkook about the meeting with his dad. Surprisingly, Jungkook couldn't care less about his dad not telling him. 

"It's his business." Jungkook had told Taehyung, though he did sound hurt. His dad has been gone for a month so far, (still needs one more month) and the fact that he showed up without telling his son...that's harsh.

"Get up." A guard banged the cell bar with his baton. 

Taehyung was used to this by now. Every three hours a guard would come by and tell them to get up. It was mostly for them to carry out their duties, time to eat, or they had someone who was expecting them.

Taehyung groaned, throwing the note inside his pillow case. "You guards love being a pain in the ass, don't cha?" 

The guard chuckled as he saw the inmate jumping down from his bed. "Only for you, Taehyung." Taehyung practically jumped forward at the sight of the guard. "What took you so fucking long?" 

"Sorry hyung, I didn't know it was going to take this long to be transferred. This is a very high secured prison, you know?" The guard whispered. "For someone who is related to Hoseok I would imagine you to pull some strings and get your ass to get me out of here faster!" Hearing Taehyung's deep, growling voice sent shivers down the guard's spine. He held tighter onto the baton and smacked on the many bars that were holding Taehyung back. "Back up, inmate 09026." Even if he was on Taehyung's side, he still after all had to keep his act together. 

"You okay here, officer Kae?" One of the guards asked who Taehyung recognized as the night patrol officer. "Mm, I don't think he is. Officer Guem, is my visitor here?" Taehyung asked the other guard, who to him, couldn't mind his own business. 

Officer Guem nodded and signalled Officer Kae to take Taehyung to the back, where all the visitors were allowed to roam around. Kae began unlocking the cell door, pulling the inmate by his arm. "Thanks officer Guem. Newbies, am I right?" Taehyung smirked at the guard who couldn't help but to just roll his eyes.

As always, Taehyung walked in front of the guard. "I can't tell you the plan exactly because of the cameras and audios so I need you to tell me if there's anyone--- and I mean anyone--- who could meet up with the gang and explain to them the plan and come back to you here and tell it to you without looking suspicious." 

Taehyung stopped at the doorway, waiting for the guard to unlock the door with the passcode. "I suppose I do." Taehyung quietly said, almost out to the courtyard. "Tell the person to meet up at Jin's cafe today at midnight." 

"Officer Kae," Taehyung kept walking as he spoke. "lay a hand on what's mind and you'll regret it." Taehyung turned around and looked at Kae who shook his head. "The cell." Taehyung pointed inside the building. "Go away, inmate." 


"Petal." Taehyung said, approaching the younger who sat on the grass, looking up at the clouds. "Do you see the ship?" The older sat down, looking up. 

Jungkook chuckled, looking at Taehyung's face who was looking up. "You still remember that?" 

Taehyung looked back down to see his face was very much closer to the youngers, though none of them backed away. "It's only been a month, Petal. I don't forget many things." 

A month.

A whole month of knowing Taehyung and for some unknown reason, Jungkook still gets lost in his eyes. The way they seem to take him to a new universe. How they sparkle when he turns and looks at the younger. It was a world of freedom, that is, until he gets out of prison.

"Petal." Taehyung snapped his fingers. "Do you believe me when I say, I can give you everything you've ever wanted?" Jungkook nodded, continuing to look at the older. "I know this is too much to ask, baby, but help me get out of this place?"

My Rebel With A Halo | Taekook FFWhere stories live. Discover now